Developing Studio Apps
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Since CoreMedia 11, the Studio Client consists of multiple apps. The Content App (the classical Main Studio) and the Workflow App are built-in. The Campaign App is available to CMCC-Service customers. More apps are coming in the future.
The public API for developing custom Studio Apps is described in the chapter "Developing Studio Apps" in the Studio Developer Manual. The chapter is accompanied by the "My-Edited-Contents" demo app which features almost everything that Studio Apps are currently capable of. Almost all code examples from the developer manual are taken from the demo app.
The app is in its own workspace. Please have a look at the workspace’s README for a development setup in combination with a CoreMedia Blueprint workspace. The README also lists the interactions between the My-Edited-Contents App and the Content App.
Three versions of the app are attached here. Only the version for CoreMedia 2404 uses the public API and the public API is only part of CoreMedia 2404 and upwards. Earlier versions of the app use experimental API and we discourage using it apart from temporary experiments.
Besides the example Studio App, you can find here some videos and a presentation from the introduction of Studio Apps: