
Known Issues in the CoreMedia Experience Cloud

Find issues that have been identified in our releases. We provide information on the affected components, the affected version and the fixed versions.

Inconsistent Blob IDs

Replication Live Server
21. October, 2024


All recent CMCC versions had a bug concerning blob IDs on the Replication Live Servers: if you use the RLS's blob sharing capability ( in combination with URL blobs, blob ids may have been assigned inconsistently in the RLS repository.

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The bug has been fixed in versions 2406.0.2, 2404.5, 2401.7 and 2310.7 (CMS-25255).

CMCC Self-Managed Customers

In case you are using the blob sharing capability together with URL blobs, you should update to a fixed CMCC version and reset your RLSs.

CMCC Service Customers

In case you are using URL blobs, for example, via the Content Hub, you should update to a fixed CMCC version and reach out to CoreMedia support for handling a potential RLS inconsistency.


No workaround is known. Please update to a fixed version.

Important Info for Customers Migrating to CMCC 2406

17. August, 2024



Only relevant for customers with projects created before 2406.0.0.

With 2406.0.0 we released a bug which might lead to projects not being loaded into Studio. That was because projects created before 2406.0.0 did not store the additionalProperties property if it was empty.

The bug only affects versions 2406.0.0 and 2406.0.1.

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The bug is fixed in version 2406.0.2


Make sure to directly install the version 2406.0.2. Skip versions 2406.0.0 and 2406.0.1.

For more details, check out the Release Notes - Link:

Actuator Endpoint Prometheus not Available

6. June, 2024


The actuator endpoint /actuator/prometheus isn't available anymore after upgrading to the AMP releases 2404.2, 2401.4 (CMCC-12) and 2310.4 (CMCC-11). This is caused by an update of the Micrometer dependencies to the version 1.13.0, not fully compatible with Spring Boot 3.2.

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The Micrometer dependencies will be downgraded to the latest 1.12.x patch version in the next AMP releases 2404.3, 2401.5 (CMCC-12) and 2310.5 (CMCC-11).


The Micrometer version can be downgraded to a version prior to 1.13.0 by importing the Micrometer BOM for the required version to the beginning of the dependencyManagement section in the apps/*/blueprint-parent/pom.xml files of the Blueprint workspace:


There is also an interim solution for customers who cannot upgrade all blueprint-parent POMs: the io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus dependency can be replaced with io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus-simpleclient in the shared/common/spring-boot/blueprint-spring-boot-autoconfigure/pom.xmlfile. But please be aware that this dependency will probably be removed in newer versions of Micrometer.

For further information, see the Micrometer 1.13 Migration Guide.

Known Issue with NodeJS 18/20

17. May, 2024


Due to a recent security fix in Node.js 18 / 20, the frontend workspace has problems when using Windows.

It shows the following error message when trying to deploy a new theme:

[@coremedia/cm-cli] Monitor command failed due to listed errors.

Error: spawnSync pnpm.cmd EINVAL

ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.
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This issue is fixed in the next releases 2310.4, 2401.4, 2404.2.


Please cherry-pick this commit from the coremedia-blueprints-workspace:

Running Sencha CMD after Java 17 Updatate

Studio Client
5. March, 2024


As of version CMCC 2404.1 Sencha CMD will not be required anymore. However, in release 2401, the studio-client workspace still needs Sencha Cmd to build applications and JooUnit tests.

As of version CMCC 2404.1 Sencha Cmd will not be required anymore. However in release 2401, the studio-client workspace still needs Sencha Cmd to build applications and JooUnit tests.

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As of version CMCC 2404.1 Sencha Cmd will not be required anymore.


As there is no official support for Java 17 from Sencha and it only works with workarounds, we suggest running Sencha CMD with Java 11.

Please either use a Sencha Cmd installation with an included JRE (currently only offered for Windows and macOS) or make sure to set the environment variable INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE to the root folder path of a JRE 11 installation.

This information has also been included in CoreMedia Blueprint Developer Manual and Studio Developer Manual.

While this does not affect the Docker based studio-client build as it downloads a suitable JRE 11 anyway, you might need to adjust the installation of Sencha Cmd when building the studio-client locally.


Due to a misconfiguration, some applications accidentally try to initialize the cache path of an unused component. Because we've hardened the container images to have read-only rootfs, the default paths are not writeable for those applications, and the applications continuously log warnings.

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We will turn off this component with the first follow-up release.


For now, please set the path to a writeable folder so the applications can create the directories during their initialization. Because all applications should have a writeable /tmp directory, please set the environment variable COM_COREMEDIA_TRANSFORM_BLOBCACHE_BASEPATH to "/tmp" for the following applications:

  • cae-feeder-preview
  • cae-feeder-live
  • elastic-worker
  • content-feeder

Certificate Issue

16. December, 2022


The OOTB Certificate file global/deployment/docker/blueprint/traefik/docker.localhost.crt is missing a "-" character at the end of the certificate, which makes impossible to access any page using https.

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The certificate file will be fixed in the next release.


You can replace the existing certificate with your own or simply add the missing "-" sign before building the workspace:


If you have already built the workspace with the incorrect certificate, you need to correct the file and recreate the Traefik image.

Headlines and HTML fragments with CKEditor 5

15. December, 2022


Version CMCC v11.2210.1 contains two bugs in the rich text editor in the Blueprint. The issues are caused by an incomplete configuration of the newly introduced CKEditor 5.

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Headline Level Mismatch

When writing text with the rich text editor, headlines are stored and rendered with a different level than the selected one. For example, if you choose Headline 1 it will be shown as a Headline 2 in the preview.

HTML Fragment Not Editable

Newly created content of type HTML Fragment in CoreMedia Studio is not editable. Existing HTML Fragment can be edited though.


Both issues will be fixed with the upcoming CMCC v11.2210.2 in January 2023.


Headline Configuration

The Blueprint uses the default configuration of CKEditor 5 for headlines. This means that when choosing for example Headline 1 as the paragraph style, it is persisted as <h2> internally. This is the default configuration of the plugin from CKEditor 5 that is optimized for the way the Search Engines like the Google Search read texts.

In CMCC however, the headline levels are managed by the Content Application Engine and the Headless Server. They rely on Headline 1 being <h1> so that they can map the headline levels from Rich Text to the HTML equivalent for example.

In order to fix this issue, update the configuration of the headline plugin of the CKEditor 5 in the file apps/studio-client/shared/js/ckeditor5/src/ckeditor/ckeditorDefault.ts as follows:

"de": {
"Left-aligned": "Linksbündig",
"Right-aligned": "Rechtsbündig",
"Within Text": "Im Text",
"Page default": "Standardeinstellung",
"Type your text here...": "Text hier eingeben...",
"Paragraph": "Absatz",
 "Heading 1": "Überschrift 1",
 "Heading 2": "Überschrift 2",
 "Heading 3": "Überschrift 3",
heading: {
 options: [
 { model: 'paragraph', title: localize('Paragraph', language), class: 'ck-heading_paragraph' },
 { model: 'heading1', view: 'h1', title: localize('Heading 1', language), class: 'ck-heading_heading1' },
 { model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: localize('Heading 2', language), class: 'ck-heading_heading2' },
 { model: 'heading3', view: 'h3', title: localize('Heading 3', language), class: 'ck-heading_heading3' },

Configuration Of The HTML Fragment Editor

In order to show a placeholder text when the rich text editor is empty, the CKEditor 5 requires the placeholder plugin. Since this plugin is currently missing, the empty editor does not work as expected.

Add the plugin to the configuration of the slim version of the Rich Text Editor by adapting the CKEditor 5 configuration in the file apps/studio-client/shared/js/ckeditor5/src/ckeditor/ckeditorSlim.ts as follows:

import AutoSave from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-autosave/src/autosave";
import Paragraph from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paragraph/src/paragraph';
plugins: [

Studio Client Blueprint does not build under Windows

Studio Client
22. August, 2022


Due to a bug in a Node.js API used by TypeScript to normalize file paths, when trying to build Studio Client Blueprint 2207.1 under Windows, with the following commands:

> node -v
> pnpm -v
> cd apps/studio-client
> pnpm i
> pnpm -r build

The build fails at blueprint-forms with the following errors:

Building: @coremedia-blueprint/studio-client.main.blueprint-forms
.../coremedia-blueprints-workspace/apps/studio-client/apps/main/blueprint-forms/src/forms/containers/ThemeSelectorFormBase.ts (41,90): Property 'getExtendedComboBoxTpl' is protected and only accessible within class 'ComboBoxLinkPropertyFieldBase' and its subclasses.
.../coremedia-blueprints-workspace/apps/studio-client/apps/main/blueprint-forms/src/forms/containers/ThemeSelectorFormBase.ts (43,88): Property 'getExtendedDisplayTpl' is protected and only accessible within class 'ComboBoxLinkPropertyFieldBase' and its subclasses.
Type check in folder "src" found 2 errors
Build failed because of type errors! You can suppress this behavior by setting the "ignoreTypeErrors" config option to true.
    at checkDiagnostics (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\compile.js:620:11)
    at compileDTS (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\compile.js:651:3)
    at compileSources (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\compile.js:1329:5)
    at compile (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\compile.js:1283:3)
    at (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\builders\CodeBuilder.js:61:42)
    at build (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\build.js:74:19)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async Object.handler (...\coremedia-blueprints-workspace\apps\studio-client\node_modules\.pnpm\@jangaroo+build@1.2.1\node_modules\@jangaroo\build\cmd\build.js:45:7)
 ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_RUN_FIRST_FAIL  @coremedia-blueprint/studio-client.main.blueprint-forms@1.0.0-SNAPSHOT build: `jangaroo build`
Exit status 1
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The problem is that the Windows 260-character limit for paths applies here, even if it is actually supposed to be switched off by the corresponding group policy or registry entry.

We have already reported this bug to Typescript and it will be fixed in upcoming releases.


The simplest workaround is to start the CoreMedia workspace under Windows in a very short path, e.g. C:\dev.

Known issues with Apple Silicon Chips (M1/M2/M3)

5. July, 2022

There are several known issues when building and deploying a CoreMedia project using an Apple MacBook with Silicon architecture Chip. For some of them, there are known solutions/workarounds:

Docker images cannot be built with dockerfile-maven-plugin (release 2107 and before)


The dockerfile-maven-plugin cannot be used on Apple Silicon M1 chips.

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Replace the dockerfile-maven-plugin with the io.fabric8::docker-maven-plugin.`


Args configuration for some specific POMs:









Describe how the customer can work around the problem until it is fixed.

Image studio-client cannot be built


When trying to build "studio-client" according to section "Building with Docker" (as described in Blueprints Workspace file apps/studio-client/README.adoc) an error occurs.


We can only recommend running the pnpm build directly on a shell and only having the image built, as described here in our documentation (STUDIO_CLIENT_TOOLING_IMAGE needs to be "unset" for this).

Some containers may run very unstable


Some containers (especially Solr) don't always start up correctly, may go into an unhealthy state, use 100% CPU, etc.


Unfortunately, there isn't a known solution to us currently, other than trying to restart the container until it runs properly. Take a look at the container's log and try to detect whether it got stuck during startup:

docker logs -f solr

When not proceeding in its startup, you can, e.g., restart container Solr with the command:

docker-compose restart solr

Scripts in container "management-tools" don't work


When trying to execute scripts in the management-tools docker container, errors may occur and the scripts don't get executed.


Currently there is also not a known solution for this. A workaround is to import the data manually:

Here is a compilation of the commands that are required for the manual import of all data. It is assumed that the blobs were previously unpacked in the Blueprints Workspace. Then the following commands must be issued in the Blueprints Workspace root directory (after building all components according to the manual and starting with Docker Compose):

# import themes
apps/studio-server/modules/cmd-tools/theme-importer-application/target/theme-importer/bin/cm import-themes -u admin -p admin ../../../../../../../frontend/target/
# import users
for i in content/test-data/target/users/*.xml; do apps/content-server/modules/cmd-tools/cms-tools-application/target/cms-tools/bin/cm restoreusers -u admin -p admin -f $i; done
# import content
apps/content-server/modules/cmd-tools/cms-tools-application/target/cms-tools/bin/cm serverimport -u admin -p admin --no-validate-xml -r content/test-data/target/content
# import default workflows
for i in studio-simple-publication.xml I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over.
immediate-publication.xml \
studio-two-step-publication.xml \
three-step-publication.xml \
global-search-replace.xml \
/com/coremedia/translate/workflow/derive-site.xml \
/com/coremedia/translate/workflow/synchronization.xml; do apps/workflow-server/modules/cmd-tools/wfs-tools-application/target/wfs-tools/bin/cm upload -u admin -p admin -n $i; done
# import custom workflows
apps/workflow-server/modules/cmd-tools/wfs-tools-application/target/wfs-tools/bin/cm upload -u admin -p admin -f properties/corem/workflows/translation.xml
# publish all
apps/content-server/modules/cmd-tools/cms-tools-application/target/cms-tools/bin/cm bulkpublish -u admin -p admin -a -b -c

Frontend Workspace cannot be build


When trying to install the frontend workspace, you get the error message: "You are using an unsupported architecture. Please use x64." This is caused by the dependency "node-sass", which uses precompiled binaries. Apple Silicon CPUs are not supported.


Use the terminal via Rosetta or explicitly set the system architecture via $arch -x86_64 zsh.

Check your current architecture via node -p process.arch

It should return x64. If it still returns arm64 please check also the following guide

Studio-Client Workspace cannot be build


The chromium binary is not available for arm64 when running pnpm install


Add an environment variable before running "pnpm install".


To execute joounit test (assuming Chromium is installed locally) set the following variable before running the test(s):


Tests Failures on Project lc-studio


The build is not complete because a test on project lc-studio fails.


Install chromedriver locally and run it locally once. After that, you should run the mvn command with some additional parameters, for example:

mvn clean install -DjooUnitWebDriverBrowser=chrome -DjooUnitWebDriverBrowserArguments=--no-sandbox,--disable-dev-shm-usage


The version CMCC v10 2107.3 contains a bug that can lead to broken images after the image was resized.

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This issue is fixed in the next version CMCC v10 2107.4 (internal ticket CMS-20517)


There is no real workaround besides resetting all crops or reverting all changes to the document

Upgrade of Existing Solr Indexes Broken

Search Engine
14. June, 2021


Version 2104.1 and 2104.2 contain a bug causing problems when upgrading existing Solr indexes for Content Feeder and CAE Feeder from version 2101 or earlier.

The issue does not affect Solr indexes that were newly created with version 2104. Elastic Social Solr indexes are also not affected.

The issue is caused by added support for Solr nested documents in Content Feeder and CAE Feeder (see release note CMS-10950) and the addition of the Solr fields "root" and "nest_path" to the Solr schema without complete reindexing. In the Content Feeder, these fields are required for the new functionality to filter content items by issue severity in the Studio Library (see release note CMS-18432).

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Upgraded Indexes may get inconsistent, resulting in queries returning multiple Solr documents with the same ID, or even Solr documents that should have been deleted. Furthermore, the Content Feeder may run into exceptions from Solr like the following:

2021-06-14 15:11:08 -  [WARN] com.coremedia.amaro.feeder.FeederImpl [] - Sending failed: Batch[id=1, size=500, bytes=56619, sendFailures=1]: Indexing failed. Will retry after 30 seconds. (Feeder-Sender)
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at http://localhost:40080/solr: Error processing document with ID 908: Attempted an atomic/partial update to a child doc without indicating the _root_ somehow.


The next 2104.3 AMP will disable Solr Nested Documents support and the content issue search by default. That way, customers will not be forced to reindex an existing Solr index. Instead, they will be able to opt-in and decide when they want to upgrade to enable the new Studio search functionality.

This behavior will change with the upcoming major release of CMCC 11, which will enable this new feature by default.


Content Feeder Index

You can either perform a complete reindexing, or remove the mentioned Solr schema fields and disable the new feature, which enables filtering of content items by issues in Studio library.

For a complete reindexing, it's required forcing a full reindex from scratch by deleting the existing index first and letting the Content Feeder create a new one. It's not sufficient to trigger reindexing of all content items using JMX or an actuator endpoint of the Content Feeder.

To disable the new feature, you can avoid reindexing by following these steps:

  1. Remove the field definitions for _root_ and _nest_path_ from file apps/solr/modules/search/solr-config/src/main/app/configsets/content/schema.xml
  2. Configure the Content Feeder to not index content issues with property feeder.content.issues.index=false

If you have already started the Content Feeder of version 2104.1 or 2104.2 to feed an existing index, then the index may have been corrupted already. You will have to restore it from a backup before the upgrade, or reindex from scratch.

CAE Feeder Index

Remove the field definitions for _root_ and _nest_path_ from file apps/solr/modules/search/solr-config/src/main/app/configsets/cae/schema.xml.

If you have already started the CAE Feeder of version 2104.1 or 2104.2 to feed an existing index, then the index may have been corrupted already. You will have to restore it from a backup before the upgrade, or reindex from scratch.

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