CoreMedia Application Plugin Release Notes
2.7.9 Bugfix Release - 12.6.2014
- fix find-filter-tokens goal, when multiple tokens are within on line and text between was detected as a token.
2.7.8 Bugfix Release - 28.5.2014
- fix regression to make plugin work with Java 6
2.7.7 Feature Release - 27.5.2014
- Added storetype option to signconfig of package-webstart mojo.
- Updated embedded maven-jarsigner-plugin version to 1.3.2.
- Added deploymentRuleSet parameter to webstart-webapp mojo, to create a DeploymentRuleSet.jar. See official Oracle documentation how to define rule sets.
2.7.6 Feature Release - 17.1.2014
- Update of maven-jarsigner-plugin to 1.3.1
- package-webstart mojo now also adds an Application-Name entry to the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of each signed jar in the codebase. By default is being used with a fallback to project.artifactId.
2.7.5 Feature Release - 30.10.2013
- package-webstart goal offers now TSA timestamp signing configuration.
2.7.4 Bugfix Release - 24.9.2013
- Compatibility with Maven 3.1
2.7.3 Bugfix Release - 15.7.2013
- Fixes manifest modification introduced with 2.7.2
2.7.2 Feature Release - 2.7.2013
- package-webstart mojo now adds Codebase and Permissions entries to the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of each signed jar in the codebase. This is part of a fix to allow webstart applications to communicate to remote servers. These entries are required as of Java 1.7u25 and 1.6u51.
2.7.1 Bugfix Release - 25.2.2013
- Fixed version translation from maven to rpm versions, e.g. 1.0.13 was translated into 1.13-1.release, omitting all zero version elements.
2.7 Feature Release - 22.1.2013
- Added parameter to find-filter-tokens mojo to add default tokens.
- Added parameter to find-filter-tokens mojo to add default properties to configuration template.
- Providing -DskipRpmArchiving,-DskipZipArchiving or -DskipWarArchiving on the command line or in the plugins configuration, will now skip either the zip-it, the rpm or the war-it goal.
- Fixed wrong Maven to RPM version mapping, where SNAPSHOT was not stripped from RPM version.
- Fixed validation of rpmConfig.
- Added parameter to configure the pattern of executable files.
2.6 Feature Release - 8.10.2012
- Added parameter to ignore tokens in find-filter-tokens mojo
- Added paramter in find-filter-tokens mojo to allow only tokens matching a pattern. This paramter has to be used in conjunction with failOnFoundTokens set to true.
- Fixed issue where the property file generated by find-filter-tokens mojo contains all values multiple times when no clean was done.
- Added prefix parameter to zipConfig to add a directory prefix for the zipped content.
- Switched from JarArchiver to ZipArchiver for the zip-it mojo. As a result no META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry will be generated any more.
2.5 Feature Release - 4.10.2012
- Added parameter dos2unixPattern to configure the dos to unix fileending conversion
- Added flag to disable escaping of windows paths during resource filtering
- Bugfix RPM mojo - defaultuser and defaultgroup parameters did not work when no mapping was defined.
2.4 Feature Release - 03.09.2012
- Requires at least Maven 3.0.4
- New goal parameter
- Added stripJarVersions parameter to package-inplace and package-webstart goals to strip the version information from the jar filenames, when retrieving jars. The stripping won't affect jars that are included in coremedia-application or zip dependencies.
- Added excludeTransitiveJars parameter to package-inplace and package-webstart goals to exclude transitive jar dependencies from being copied to the targets lib directory.
- New artifactId to context mapping for embedded webapps To allow merging of two webapps with identical artifactId but different groupId when embedding a war dependencies into a coremedia-application, the parameter artifactIdToContextDir has been deprecated and a new parameter webapps has been added. The new parameter is a list of webapp configuration elements where groupId, artifactId, classifier and context can be specified. groupId and classifier are optional whereas artifactId and context are mandatory. The new syntax for merging a webapp may look like the following example snippet:
- find-filter-tokens mojo added This mojo parses all configuration files below the output directory for ant style filter tokens and generates a property file containing all necessary tokens for post-install configuration. The generated file can be attached to the build with packagingtype "properties" and classifier "configuration-template". The tokens can also be injected into the build of the current project with a configurable property name. The mojo can also be used to fail a build if there are still tokens found. This can be achieved if the cofiguration parameter failOnFoundTokens is set to true. With the defaultConfigurationProperties parameter you can define a property file which may contain default values for the tokens and comments to be included in the configuration-template files.
- Modification of property files added Instead of duplicating files from dependencies to change its configuration, it is now possible to add,remove or change property configuration files by simply defining the delta in a property file named exactly the same as the targeted file and placed below the same directory structure relative to a common base directory for override configuration files. E.g. if you have a property file at corem/properties/ and you don't want to duplicate the whole file, just to replace the host property, you can now place a property file at src/main/override-properties/properties/corem/ that only contain the following snippet.
Filtering is also possible, because the override config files are filtered in advance of the processing.
- Filtering of dependencies added
- Setting <dependencyFiltering>true</dependencyFiltering> dependencies will be extracted and afterwards filtered.
- The patterns to define the files to befiltered can be configured with
using the default pattern:
**/*.xml, **/*.conf, **/*.inc, **/*.sh, **/*.bat, **/*.jpif, **/*.properties, **/*.txt, **/*.bsh
- RPM goal added
- with the new rpm goal it is possible to package native rpm packages. The goal comes with three inbuilt configurations for everything(default), coremedia-applications and tomcat servlet-containers.
2.3 Feature Release - 07.12.2011
- ArtifactId changed
The maven- prefix for plugins is reserved to the core maven plugins and won't be supported for other plugins in future releases.
- Feature added
- Check for version conflict on resource level in merge mode. To enable this feature set <checkMergedVersions>true</checkMergedVersions>
2.2 Feature Release - 25.11.2011
- Features added
- Added lifecycle, packaging type and mojos to create webstart webapplications.
- Bug Fixes
- Cleanup the documentation.
2.1 Feature Release - 08.09.2011
- Dependency Update Update to maven 3 API. The plugin now requires Maven 3.
- Features added
- Added overlay feature to exclude files from coremedia-application artifact dependencies.
- Speed up build by omitting extraction of transitive coremedia-application dependencies.
- Bug Fixes
- Fix order applications are merged, to be the same as dependencies are defined.
- Disable filtering of .
2.0 Initial Release - 07.01.2011