Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is filtering done in the CoreMedia Application plugin?
  2. How do I exclude transitive dependencies from my project?
  3. When should i build skinny artifacts?
  4. How can I do dependencyManagement?
How is filtering done in the CoreMedia Application plugin?

Filtering is enabled by default for all files matching the following pattern: **/*.xml, **/*.conf, **/*.inc, **/*.sh, **/*.bat, **/*.properties, **/*.txt, **/*.bsh


How do I exclude transitive dependencies from my project?

Give it a "provided" scope.


When should i build skinny artifacts?

A best practice is to split a projects into two workspaces, one concerning with creating libraries, webapps and applications with fixed configuration to either a local setup or a common test system setup and one workspace concerning with the creation of deployment ready artifacts configured to target the production system. Doing it this way will shrink your development poms and separates the concerns development and deployment. For the development workspace the answer will clearly be skinny artifacts and for the deployment workspace clearly full artifacts.


How can I do dependencyManagement?

For all skinny Artifacts in your dependencies list the default Maven dependencyManagement mechanism will work. This means you can do a mvn dependency:tree and will see the fixed version resolution. For full Artifacts in your dependencies list the dependencyManagement will not work.
