Connector for commercetools Manual / Version 2101
Table Of Contentscommercetools.api.api-url
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The base URL, with protocol and port (if needed), to access the commercetools API. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The absolute URL, with protocol and port (if needed), used for authorization at the commercetools system. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The unique identifier of the API client. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The confidential client secret. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Decorate the SphereClient (responsible for all call to the commercetools system) with a DeprecationExceptionSphereClientDecorator in order to throw an exception on usage of deprecated API calls. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The unique key of the commercetools project. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | A comma separated list of scopes, the API client should have access to. |
| |
Type | java.util.Locale |
Default | |
Description | The default locale for accessing the commerce system if no locale parameter was passed into request. |
| |
Type | com.coremedia.commerce.adapter.commercetools.config.ProductDataVersion |
Default | |
Description | The version of the product data. Can be current for published data or staged for preview. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | true |
Description | True if language of locale shall be used in search requests. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Integer |
Default | 200 |
Description | Maximum search result size. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Long> |
Default | |
Description | Number of cache entries per cache key, until cache eviction takes place. Example: commercetools.cache.capacities.product=50000 |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Enable or disable caching. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Long> |
Default | |
Description | TTL in seconds until certain cache entries are invalidated. Example: commercetools.cache.timeout-seconds.product=300 |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | Map of additional metadata. Can be used as customization hook. All properties starting with "metadata.additional-metadata.*" are transmitted to the generic client on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | com.coremedia.commerce.adapter.base.entities.CustomAttributesFormat |
Default | |
Description | Format of the custom attribute values {@link CustomAttributesFormats}. The keys are always plain strings. Used to identify the deserialization format on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | List of parameter names, which values need to be transmitted with every entity request from the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | Map of key value pairs. Used as replacement map for example for link building in the generic client on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Flag if commerce adapter implementation supports multiple catalogs. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | Name of the vendor. Used to identify the connected vendor on the CMS side. |
Table 7.1. Commercetools Commerce Adapter related Properties