

Analytics Connectors Manual / Version 2104

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4.1 Google Analytics

Google Analytics is accessed using the Google Analytics Universal API. To access Google Analytics Data, you need to create a service account (Google Developer Console). The service account email and p12 Key File (PKCS Standard) are used for OAuth 2.0 authentication.



Remember to grant access to the analytics reports for the service account.

Custom variables must be defined as dimension1...n in the Google Analytics Web interface.

Custom Variable Use
dimension1 Content ID
dimension2 Content Type
dimension3 Navigation Path

Table 4.2. Google Analytics custom variables

Both page views and tracked events are considered at retrieval time. The following configuration options are available:

Technical Variable Name Description/Value Required
applicationName Name of the app accessing Google Analytics data, used in the UserAgent header of each request. true
pid A numeric Google Analytics profile ID providing the data to fetch (compare with property pid described in Table 3.1, “Google Analytics Tracking Configuration Options”). true
serviceAccountEmail Email address of the service account. true
p12File Create a CMDownload Document and upload the p12 Key File as blob. Link this document in the Analytics Settings P12 Key file field. true

Table 4.3. Google Analytics Retrieval Configuration Options



Please take care of security protection of the CMDownload Document containing your Google Analytics p12 Key File:

  • Restrict read access to the CMDownload Document
  • Ensure that no link is generated to the CMDownload document, for example by linking to it in another document
  • Exclude the document from website search by checking the corresponding option.


Please refer to the Google Analytics Developers Documentation for further information on request quotas.

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