Content Application Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of Contents
The following Spring beans are loaded into the application context automatically with the
Maven artifact, except for beans defined in the Spring XML config file
, which is provided for backwards compatibility.
CAE Component Configuration
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
fallbackViewRepository |
Default ViewRepository
implementation, loading templates from /WEB-INF/templates-fallback
and using richtextMarkupView , blobView , errorView ,
viewExceptionRenderer , and viewEngines .
templateViewRepositoryProvider |
implementation, initialized with
Table 5.1. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-component
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
viewEngines |
Map<String, ViewEngine>
Extension point to register custom view engines for template file extensions,
initialized to ("jsp" :=
"ftl" := |
viewDecorators |
Extension point to register custom view decorators, initialized to
viewRepositoryNameProviders |
List<ViewRepositoryNameProvider> Extension point to register custom view repository name providers, initialized to an implementation returning "default" and "fallback". |
viewRepositoryProviders |
Extension point to register custom view repository providers, initialized to
renderNodeDecoratorProviders |
List<RenderNodeDecoratorProvider> Extension point to register custom render node decorator providers. |
viewResolverAttributes |
Map<String, Object> Extension point to register custom view resolver attributes, which will be copied into the request attributes for each request, before rendering a view. |
modelAwareViewResolver | ModelAwareViewResolver |
richtextMarkupView | XmlMarkupView |
blobView | MultiRangeBlobView |
viewHookEventView | ViewHookEventView |
programmedViews |
Map<String, View>
Extension point to register programmed views, initialized to
:= |
templateLocations |
Map<String, String>
Extension point to register additional template locations with
templateLocationPatterns |
Extension point to register additional template location path patterns with
viewingHandlerExceptionResolver | ViewingHandlerExceptionResolver |
errorView | ErrorView |
viewExceptionRenderer | ViewExceptionRenderer |
httpErrorView | HttpErrorView |
exceptionDecorator | ExceptionHandlingViewDecorator,
will only be registered with viewDecorators , if property
cae.view.errorhandler.enabled=true .
exceptionDecoratorAcceptBeanClasses |
Configuration for |
exceptionDecoratorRejectBeanClasses |
Configuration for |
exceptionDecoratorAcceptViews |
Configuration for |
exceptionDecoratorRejectViews |
Configuration for |
debugDecorator | DebugViewDecorator,
will only be registered with viewDecorators , if property
cae.view.debug-enabled=true .
debugDecoratorAcceptBeanClasses |
Configuration for |
debugDecoratorRejectBeanClasses |
Configuration for |
debugDecoratorAcceptViews |
Configuration for |
debugDecoratorRejectViews |
Configuration for |
freemarkerViewEngine | ViewEngine to render FreeMarker templates. |
Table 5.2. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-viewservices
Unified API
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
connectionParameters |
Configuration for the |
connection | CapConnection |
contentRepository | ContentRepository |
userRepository | UserRepository |
workflowRepository | WorkflowRepository |
worklistService | WorklistService |
Table 5.3. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cap-unified-api
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
contentIdScheme | ContentIdScheme |
contentBlobIdScheme | ContentBlobIdScheme |
memberIdScheme | MemberIdScheme |
contentTypeIdScheme | ContentTypeIdScheme |
contentPropertyIdScheme | ContentPropertyIdScheme |
Table 5.4. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-util
Data Views
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
dataViewFactory | ConfigurableDataViewFactory
implementation, loading its data view definitions from dataViewDefinitionLocations
dataViewDefinitionLocations |
Extension point to register data view factory configuration file patterns, initialized
to |
contentBeanFactory | ContentBeanFactory, creating content beans from prototype beans with name "contentBeanFactory:<content_type>". |
contentBeanIdScheme | ContentBeanIdScheme |
Table 5.5. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-contentbeanservices
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
cache | Cache instance created for
Table 5.6. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-cache
Link Generation
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
linkSchemes |
Extension point to register link schemes with |
linkTransformers |
Extension point to register link transformers with
linkFormatter | LinkFormatter |
Table 5.7. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-linkservices
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
idProvider | IdProvider,
initialized with the registered idSchemes .
idSchemes |
Extension point to register ID schemes with |
Table 5.8. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-id
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
bindingConverters |
Set<?> (Converter or GenericConverter) Extension point to register custom converters to bind request path variables to handler method parameters. |
httpMessageConverters |
List<HttpMessageConverter> Extension point to register custom HTTP message converters to parse HTTP request body content or generate HTTP response body content. |
bindingPropertyEditorRegistrars |
List<PropertyEditorRegistrar> Extension point to register custom property editor registrars (which in turn will register property editors) to bind form fields to bean properties. |
handlerInterceptors |
List<HandlerInterceptor> Extension point to register handler interceptors, which will be applied to all handlers. |
idContentBeanConverter | Converter
to convert numeric IDs to method parameters of type ContentBean.
An application must register this bean with bindingConverters explicitly, in order to use it.
idGenericContentBeanConverter | GenericConverter
to convert between numeric IDs and subtypes of ContentBean.
This converter subsumes the functionality provided by idContentBeanConverter .
An application must register this bean with bindingConverters explicitly, in order to use it.
idContentBeanPropertyEditor | java.beans.PropertyEditor
to convert between numeric IDs and ContentBeans.
An application must register this bean with bindingPropertyEditorRegistrars explicitly
using a PropertyEditorRegistrar, in order to use it.
Table 5.9. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-handlerservices
MIME Type Mappings
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
mimeTypeService (alias tikaMimeTypeService ) |
MimeTypeService, providing methods related to MIME type detection and mapping to file extensions. The implementation is based on Apache Tika. Configured with the following properties:
Table 5.10. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-common
Image Transformations
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type | |||
blobTransformer | CachingBlobTransformer,
handling concurrent image transformation requests, caching image transformation results.
Delegates cache misses to the bean throttlingTransformer .
| |||
throttlingBlobTransformer | ThrottlingBlobTransformer, handling concurrent image transformation requests, performing some basic load control. Delegates the actual transformation work to the bean imageTransformer. | |||
imageSizePermitStrategy | ImageSizePermitStrategy,
the permit strategy for the throttelingBlobTransformer . For images, it reads the image
header and estimates the required in-memory size of the image. Finally, a safety factor is applied to the result.
| |||
memoryGuard | JvmMemoryGuard, checks the available JVM memory prior to allocating large chunks of memory during loading and transforming blobs. | |||
imageTransformer | DispatchingBlobTransformer, the blob transformer actually performing image transformations. Holds a list of processor objects, initialized with the list bean imageProcessors. | |||
imageProcessors |
List<?>, extension point to register your own image processors, implementing additional image operations. Initialized with a single processor, imageOperations. | |||
imageOperations | Java2DImageOperations,
implementing the ImageOperations
interface using the javax.imageio library. You may reuse this bean and its operations
when implementing your own image operations.
| |||
imageTransformerInputAdapter | Java2DImageInputAdapter,
input adapter used by imageTransformer.
Since the reading and decoding of an image may consume a significant amount of processing time, this input adapter caches loaded images in memory. When another variant is then requested for the same image, this variant can be computed much faster. Configured with the following properties:
| |||
imageTransformerOutputAdapter | Java2DImageOutputAdapter,
output adapter used by imageTransformer.
Configured with the following properties:
| |||
imageTransformerConversionService |
Table 5.11. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-transform
is not imported automatically and is only provided
for backwards compatibility with existing controller implementations.
Service or Extension Point Definition | Type |
controllerMappings |
Map<String, Controller> Extension point to register controllers handling requests with the given path prefix. |
controllerInterceptors |
Alias for handlerInterceptors , which will be applied to all controllers in
controllerMappings .
Table 5.12. com/coremedia/cae/controller-services.xml in artifact cae-handlerservices