Connector for commercetools Manual / Version 2104
Table Of Contentscommercetools.api.api-url
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The base URL, with protocol and port (if needed), to access the commercetools API. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The absolute URL, with protocol and port (if needed), used for authorization at the commercetools system. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The unique identifier of the API client. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The confidential client secret. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Decorate the SphereClient (responsible for all call to the commercetools system) with a DeprecationExceptionSphereClientDecorator in order to throw an exception on usage of deprecated API calls. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | The unique key of the commercetools project. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | A comma separated list of scopes, the API client should have access to. |
| |
Type | java.util.Locale |
Default | |
Description | The default locale for accessing the commerce system if no locale parameter was passed into request. |
| |
Type | com.coremedia.commerce.adapter.commercetools.config.ProductDataVersion |
Default | |
Description | The version of the product data. Can be current for published data or staged for preview. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | true |
Description | True if language of locale shall be used in search requests. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Integer |
Default | 500 |
Description | Maximum search result size. |
| |
Type | java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | List of facet keys. These facets only support single values to be selected. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Long> |
Default | |
Description | Number of cache entries per cache class until cache eviction takes place. The keys must match the cache classes as defined by the cache keys. Please refer to javadoc of com.coremedia.cache.CacheKey. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Long> |
Default | |
Description | TTL in seconds until certain cache entries are invalidated. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | Map of additional metadata. Can be used as customization hook. All properties starting with "metadata.additional-metadata.*" are transmitted to the generic client on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | com.coremedia.commerce.adapter.base.entities.CustomAttributesFormat |
Default | |
Description | Format of the custom attribute values {@link CustomAttributesFormats}. The keys are always plain strings. Used to identify the deserialization format on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | List of parameter names, which values need to be transmitted with every entity request from the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
Default | |
Description | Map of key value pairs. Used as replacement map for example for link building in the generic client on the CMS side. |
| |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Flag if commerce adapter implementation supports multiple catalogs. |
| |
Type | java.lang.String |
Default | |
Description | Name of the vendor. Used to identify the connected vendor on the CMS side. |
Table 7.1. Commercetools Commerce Adapter related Properties