Content Server Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsCoreMedia CMS is able to import users and groups from LDAP servers which makes it unnecessary for administrators to manage them in CoreMedia CMS. There is an out-of-the-box integration for Active Directory and a customizable support for any LDAP schema. Several LDAP servers can be integrated.
CoreMedia CMS does not write on an LDAP server. You cannot change LDAP memberships with the CM User Manager and you cannot create memberships between groups and users from different LDAP servers. However, rules, even for LDAP groups, remain in the CoreMedia CMS repository. As they refer to CoreMedia resources and resource types, they are repository specific.
CoreMedia CMS clients don't communicate directly
with an LDAP server, but get users and groups from the Content
Server. The Content Server accesses
users and groups from instances of the interface com.coremedia.ldap.UserProvider
The following subsection explains how UserProviders are configured.