Deployment Manual / Version 2104
Table Of Contents
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 1000000000 |
Description |
The maximum allowed size that the transformed image blob cache can occupy on the disk. This is a separate cache where results of blob transformations are stored persistently and can survive CAE restarts. Note that the file system overhead for storing the files does not count towards this value. So the physical space that has to be reserved on the disk for the cache has to be slightly higher than value of this configuration property. If several concurrent threads write large blobs at the same time, the deletion of the folder with the old unused files can be postponed for later, thus this is the second reason why the maximum allowed cache size can grow slightly higher than this configuration property. The size of such deviation depend on the blobs size as well as the amount of parallel threads. |
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 100 MB |
Description |
The size of the loaded image cache, in bytes. |
| |
Value | String |
Default | not set => cache deactivated |
Description |
The path to the transformed image blobs cache . If not set, then
this cache is deactivated and the results of image transformations are stored using
UAPI cache. It is recommended to set this property
to a folder that is not cleared during CAE restart, for example,
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 1.2 |
Description |
A safety factor of the memory guard configured for the imageTransformer. Setting this to zero disables memory checks. |
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 0, falling back to 1/2 total JVM heap space |
Description |
Capacity of the throttlingBlobTransformer, in megabytes. |
| |
Value | Boolean |
Default | true |
Description |
Specifies whether the configured permits should be considered a hard limit for transformations. Setting this to false allows transformations needing more permits (serialized, one at a time). This would allow larger images to be transformed, but would make OOM exceptions during transformations more likely. |
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 3.0 |
Description |
A safety factor for the ImageSizePermitStrategy to multiply the memory size of an image with. Default is 3. A number of 3 takes into account that some image operations need to make a copy of the image, plus one copy for the in-memory cache for loaded images. |
| |
Value | Number |
Default | 1.0 |
Description |
A factor to multiply the blob size with if the size of the in-memory representation needed for transformation cannot be determined. A warning is logged if this happens. |
Table 4.5. Further Configuration Properties