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Connector for HCL Commerce Manual / Version 2104

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6.2 Content Settings

Each site can have one single shop configuration (see the Blueprint site concept). That means only shop items from exactly that shop instance can be interwoven to the content elements of that site.

Mapping to Spring Configuration

At least the must be configured for the site root page (see the Local Settings tab) within a struct property named This maps to a named store configuration mentioned above (configured via Spring). The Spring configuration itself provides all other connection relevant values.

Name Type Description Example Required String Property The configuration ID defined in Spring configuration myStore true

Table 6.2.

All other store configuration settings, like the will be taken from the Spring configuration. But it is also supported to overwrite such settings within the content settings.



The concrete store related IDs ( and can also be dynamically retrieved from the HCL Commerce. As long as a and value is available in the configuration (Spring or content settings) the corresponding IDs will be retrieved dynamically.

Configuring Multiple Catalogs

By default, CoreMedia Studio only shows the default catalog of the HCL Commerce system. However, you can define multiple catalogs which can be accessed in Studio with string properties in a struct property livecontext.catalogAliases. Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the LiveContext Settings content in Sites/<Site Name>/<Locale Country>/<Locale Language>/Options/Settings (for example Sites/Aurora Augmentation/United States/English/Options/Settings).

  2. If it does not exist, add a Struct property livecontext.catalogAliases to the Settings field.

  3. For each catalog add a String property to the livecontext.catalogAliases Struct property. The property name is an alias that is used in Studio, while the value is the commerce system code of the catalog.

    Catalog code in commerce system

    Figure 6.1. Catalog code in commerce system

    For backward compatibility, the default catalog needs to have the alias "catalog".

    Catalog settings

    Figure 6.2. Catalog settings

Name Type Value
The alias for the catalog. You can freely define a name which must be alphanumeric including '_' and '-'. Only the default catalog requires the alias "catalog". String The HCL Commerce code of the catalog

Table 6.3. Catalog aliases



The defined aliases are then used as part of internal IDs which are persisted in the system.

Therefore, choose the alias wisely before the multi-catalog feature is used. Changing the alias afterward would require some cumbersome data migration.

Redefine the Currency

A popular example would be the usage of a base configuration in Spring referenced by the but with the variation of the locale and currency for each site (default currency of myStore is USD).

Name Type Description Example Required String Property The configuration ID defined in Spring configuration myStore true
currency String Property The currency for all product prices EUR false

Table 6.4. Currency configuration



Be aware, that the locale is also part of each shop context. It is defined by the locale of the site. That means all localized product texts and descriptions have the same language as the site in which they are included and one specific currency.

Enabling Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic price rendering is disabled by default. If this feature is not used on HCL Commerce side, then it is not necessary to turn it on on CMS side. It avoids an additional call to HCL Commerce that is not needed in such a scenario.

But if you use personalized price rules in HCL Commerce then it is necessary to switch this feature on. For price rules on contract bases (where the prices are the same for all members of the group) you do not necessarily need to enable this feature.

Name Type Description Example Required String Property The configuration ID defined in Spring configuration myStore true
dynamicPricing.enabled Boolean Property Personalized product prices enabled true false

Table 6.5. Currency configuration

Please see Chapter 7, Connecting with an HCL Commerce Shop via Commerce Adapter or Section 7.1, “Configuring the Commerce Adapter” to get the information how the dynamic prices can be switched on on HCL Commerce side.

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