Multi-Site Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsThe variants of possible site hierarchies are based on two different types of master-derived site relations:
Translation is the basic type of CoreMedia Multi-Site: Having a master language, such as English (United States) you create a derived site such as German (Germany) which represents your site in Germany. To transfer a content from your master site to your derived site requires translation.
is the icon used to derive a translated site. In the figures of Section 3.1.2, “Variants of Site Hierarchies” it denotes translated sites.
Synchronization is an alternative type of CoreMedia Multi-Site: Having a master language, such as English (United States) you create a derived site such as English (New Zealand) which represents your site in New Zealand. To transfer a content from your master site to your derived site involves an automated process similar to copy and paste.
is the icon used to derive a synchronized site. In the figures of Section 3.1.2, “Variants of Site Hierarchies” it denotes synchronized sites.