

Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Manual / Version 2104

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5.6 Prefetch Fragments to Minimize CMS Requests

A shop page in the commerce-led scenario can contain multiple CMS fragments (placements and views). Normally, each CMS fragment would cause an external HTTP call to the CAE which can lead to performance loss and, depending on the commerce system, reach a limit of outgoing requests on the commerce side (see Figure 5.10, “Multiple Fragment Requests without Prefetching”). Furthermore, each request is processed consecutively. As a result, the response times for each individual CAE request add up to the total pageview time. Therefore, CAE offers a mechanism to lower the amount of CAE requests by prefetching all expected fragments in advance in a single call.

Multiple Fragment Requests without Prefetching

Figure 5.10. Multiple Fragment Requests without Prefetching

How to configure which fragments to prefetch

If the "prefetching feature" is enabled in the CoreMedia Fragment Connector on the commerce side, a dedicated prefetchFragments call is made to the CAE. The result is a JSON structure that consists of all fragments that are pre-rendered by the CAE. To predict the fragment calls that would normally follow, the CAE follows a twofold strategy.

  • Each CMS fragment call of a single shop page should conceptually go to the "same" CMS page. Which means technically, that all the parameters that identify a CMS page should be the same in all CMS fragment calls of a single shop page (these are: externalRef, productId, categoryId and pageId). The CAE therefore uses these parameters to predict the required fragments. Every placement in the assigned page layout can be considered as "potentially to be requested". Therefore, every placement is contained as a separate fragment in the JSON result. To identify the view that should be used to render the placement a configuration is read from the LiveContext Settings content. The Figure 5.11, “LiveContext Settings: Prefetch Views per Placement” shows an example configuration. If no setting can be found, it is assumed that the default view should be rendered for a placement.

  • Additionally, every shop page requests a few more, mostly technical fragments from the CAE. These fragments are requested as different "views" of the same page. Examples of such views are metadata, externalHead and externalFooter that are likely to be included on every shop page. These "additional views" are also read from the LiveContext Settings content and they are also included in the JSON result. The Figure 5.12, “LiveContext Settings: Prefetching Additional Views” shows an example of such a configuration.

If all required fragments are already included in the prefetch result, then only one CAE fragment request is needed per shop page. All subsequent fragment calls are then served from the local fragment cache within the CoreMedia Fragment Connector. Thus, the configuration should be complete for each shop page type. The configuration is placed in the LiveContext Settings content, to be found in the Options/Settings folder of the corresponding site and linked in the root channel. In the following sections the configuration is explained in detail.

Prefetch Configuration: View per Placement

The first configuration option is to define a view name for a certain placement. You can add this view name to the prefetch result, otherwise the default view would be rendered for this placement. Within the livecontext-fragments struct the placementViews sub-struct is used to store this information.

LiveContext Settings: Prefetch Views per Placement

Figure 5.11. LiveContext Settings: Prefetch Views per Placement



The configuration needs only to be done, if there are placements that should be rendered with a different view than the default view.

Below the placementViews struct, two sub-elements are used:


Defines the view, a placement will be prefetched with, for all layouts. It overrides the default view and is itself overwritten by a layout specific configuration in the layouts struct element.


Defines a layout-specific view with which a placement will be prefetched. It overrides the view defined in the defaults struct element for this specific placement.

Prefetch Configuration: Additional Views

The second configuration option is the definition of additional views which should also be included into the prefetch result. Within the livecontext-fragments struct the prefetchedViews sub-struct is used for these settings.

LiveContext Settings: Prefetching Additional Views

Figure 5.12. LiveContext Settings: Prefetching Additional Views

Below the prefetchedViews struct three sub-elements are used:


Defines the views that should be additionally prefetched for all layouts. It is overwritten by a layout specific configuration in the layouts element.


Defines the views that should be additionally prefetched for a specific layout. It overwrites the configuration in the defaults struct element.


Defines the views that should be prefetched for a specific content type on Content Pages (see Section 5.2, “Adding CMS Fragments to Shop Pages” for a definition of Content Page) (for example, a page that has a CMS article as main content).

Content Pages can contain CMS content of different types. For each type you can configure a struct with views that will be prefetched. You can use abstract or parent content types to combine multiple types (CMLinkable, for instance).

If more than one configured content type can be applied to a given content, the configuration for the most specific content type will prevail. For example when CMLinkable and CMChannel are configured, then for a CMChannel document only the configuration for CMChannel will be taken into account.

To define the default view to be additionally prefetched, use the DEFAULT identifier.

Required configuration in the Salesforce Project Workspace

The prefetch functionality has to be enabled with the Custom Site Preference cmPrefetch. Go to the Merchant/Tools/Site Preferences/CoreMedia page in the Business Manager and set the Enable Prefetch flag.

If the feature is turned on for a site, then each occurrence of the islcinclude tag also can decide for itself if a prefetch should be performed (in case if it is not already done in this request scope). There is an optional parameter prefetch of the islcinclude tag. This is, because the Salesforce Commerce Cloud system often uses remote includes which trigger sub-calls to the same instance. Every remote include has then a new request context. If another islcinclude occurs in such a remote context it would lead to a complete new prefetch call of the page (at least if it was not already done in this new request scope). It turned out to be better to set this parameter to false by default and to set all places that should trigger the prefetch explicitly.

The prefetch should only be done within the main request context. All secondary request contexts (triggered by a remote include) should fetch single CMS fragments by a regular fragment call. To do that, all islcinclude places that are used in the main request context (or at least the first one) should set the prefetch parameter explicitly to true. Typically, these are the metadata and the header calls.

You can find more information about the usage of the islcinclude tag in the Section 5.2.2, “The CoreMedia Include Tags”.

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