Connector for SAP Commerce Cloud Manual / Version 2104
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Studio and the Preview-CAE do not know the SAP Hybris Commerce URL-Schema of shop
pages. Therefore, the CoreMedia service StudioPreviewUrlService
in the SAP Hybris Commerce system generates the commerce URLs in order to preview commerce items
as shop pages in CoreMedia Studio. The class CommerceLinkScheme
the corresponding @Link methods in the CoreMedia Blueprint workspace. It retrieves the commerce links via the
from the Commerce Adapter.
The request flow is quite complicated. The example below represents the request flow to preview a Hybris product from within CoreMedia Studio:
Studio generates this preview URL for the product with the given ID.
https://preview-cae-host/preview?id=hybris:///catalog/product/104176 &site=Hybris-Apparel-UK-Site-ID&contentTimestamp=54539 &p13n_test=true&p13n_testcontext=0 > 302
The Preview-CAE receives the preview URL, internally dispatches it to the
and sends a redirect to theStudioPreviewUrlService
deployed in the SAP Hybris Commerce System.https://hybris-host/yacceleratorstorefront/cmpreview?site=apparel-uk&id=104176 &type=product&cmsTicketId={ticket-id} > 302
The SAP Hybris Commerce System receives the request, generates a
with the given parameters and redirects to the Hybris PreviewServlet.https://hybris-host/yacceleratorstorefront/cx-preview ?site=apparel-uk&cmsTicketId={ticket-id} > 302
The SAP Hybris Commerce System receives the previewServlet request again and redirects to the resulting shop URL:
https://hybris-host/yacceleratorstorefront/c/ Nightlife-T-Shirt-Women/p/104176?cmsTicketId={ticket-id}> 200