Workflow Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsThis chapter is about the definition and description of workflows. Definition means that a desired workflow (or business process) is described by means of UML activity diagrams. Then, description means the translation of a UML workflow description into a workflow XML file and probably some Java classes.
Section 4.1, “Defining Workflows” gives a short survey of how to analyze and define a workflow by means of activity diagrams and the syntactical elements of the XML workflow description language.
Section 4.2, “Upload Workflow Definitions” describes how you can upload your workflow definition to the workflow server.
Section 4.3, “Example of Workflow Definition” gives an example on how to define a workflow.
In Section 6.2, “XML Element Reference”, all elements of the XML workflow description language are described as a reference.
The BeanParser, that is used to parse the CoreMedia Workflow definition allows you to configure all bean properties of the beans that are introduced in the following. Since not all configuration hooks will be explained, it's always a good idea to consult the Javadoc and discover all configuration possibilities.