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Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2204

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12.1 Media Endpoint URLs

The media endpoint consists of the following distinct endpoints:

  • Endpoint for images with crops and width.

  • Endpoint for images with crops and width, format transformation and file name.

  • Endpoint for generic media files.

Endpoint for images with crops and width

The first endpoint to request images provides access to all existing crops plus its width. The structure of the URI template is as follows:


Crop name and width can be retrieved along with the query for the uriTemplate and must replace the placeholders 'cropName' and 'width'. Trying to request non-existing crop names or width will result in an HTTP 404 Not Found Error.

Endpoint for images with crops and width, format transformation and file name

The second endpoint to request images additionally supports on-the-fly image format transformation and the original file name. The structure of the URI template is as follows:


The supported image formats can simply be chosen as one of the supported image formats 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png' and 'gif'. Requesting an unsupported format, for example, 'webp' will result in an HTTP 400 Bad Request Error.

Endpoint for generic media files

The third endpoint is the most generic. It provides access to any media file which is managed by the CMS. The structure of the URI template is as follows:


Note that the filename is optional.

You can comfortably explore the described endpoints using the Swagger UI provided with the overview page.

Content Disposition Header

Whenever a media file is requested with its correct filename (incl. suffix), the HTTP header Content-Disposition will be set to inline; filename=<the-original-file-name>.

Placeholders of the media endpoints

The content ID of the media/picture.


The name of the property, where the blob is stored, usually data.


The name of the property where the blob is stored or the full property path, in case the blob ist stored in a struct.


The hash of the blob. Usually queried via GraphQL.


A name of an existing crop for a blob. Usually queried via GraphQL.


An existing width belonging to the crop name. Usually queried via GraphQL.


The file name of a media file, incl. its suffix. Usually queried via GraphQL.

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