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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2204

Table Of Contents Adding table cell merge and split commands

There are predefined commands for merging and splitting of table cells that can easily be made available in the richtext toolbar. To do so, use the AddItemsPlugin as in the following example and keep in mind the restrictions in this warning.

Config(RichTextPropertyField, {
  plugins: [
    Config(AddItemsPlugin, {
      recursive: true,
      items: [
        /* the mandatory ckEditorValueExpression is set by default in RichTextPropertyField */
        Config(RichTextMenuItem, {
          itemId: RichTextPropertyField.CELL_MERGE_ITEM_ID,
          commandName: RichTextAction.COMMAND_CELL_MERGE,
        Config(RichTextMenuItem, {
          itemId: RichTextPropertyField.CELL_MERGE_RIGHT_ITEM_ID,
          commandName: RichTextAction.COMMAND_CELL_MERGE_RIGHT,
        Config(RichTextMenuItem, {
          itemId: RichTextPropertyField.CELL_MERGE_DOWN_ITEM_ID,
          commandName: RichTextAction.COMMAND_CELL_MERGE_DOWN,
        Config(RichTextMenuItem, {
          itemId: RichTextPropertyField.CELL_VERTICAL_SPLIT_ITEM_ID,
          commandName: RichTextAction.COMMAND_CELL_VERTICAL_SPLIT,
        Config(RichTextMenuItem, {
          itemId: RichTextPropertyField.CELL_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT_ITEM_ID,
          commandName: RichTextAction.COMMAND_CELL_HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
      after: [
        Config(Component, { itemId: RichTextPropertyField.TABLE_REMOVE_ITEM_ID }),

Example 9.32. Adding table cell merge and split commands

Please note that the RichTextMenuItem has a mandatory ckEditorValueExpression config. This config can only be omitted here, because the RichTextPropertyField's menu automatically adds it to all its menu items.

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