

Analytics Connectors Manual / Version 2304

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3.4.1 Google Analytics

The integration of Google Analytics not only allows you to configure tracking but also to configure the preview toolbar button to open the Google Analytics report overview. These aspects are covered by the options presented in the following tables.

Technical Variable Name Description/Value Required
measurementId The Google Analytics measurement ID to track to. The Measurement ID has the format G-XXXXXXXX true
disableAdvertisingFeaturesPlugin Disables the Google Analytics Signals Plugin used for advertising features. If you do not need Google Analytics' advertising features, the plugin should be disabled. The plugin might create additional cookies if it is not disabled. See for more information. false
disabled Disables tracking, default: false. false

Table 3.1. Google Analytics Tracking Configuration Options

Technical Variable Name Description/Value Required
homeUrl The URL to the Google Analytics login page. Should be true
propertyId Your numeric Google Analytics property ID to create the link to the Google Analytics reports overview. Also used for retrieval, see Table 4.3, “Google Analytics Retrieval Configuration Options”. true

Table 3.2. Google Analytics Studio Configuration Options

The configuration for Studio integration should be applied in InternalAnalyticsSettings, see Internal Settings. Example:

<StructProperty Name="googleAnalytics">
    <IntProperty Name="propertyId">12345678</IntProperty>

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