Content Application Developer Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsDifferent aspects of the Content Application Engine can be configured with different properties. All configuration properties are bundled in the Deployment Manual (Chapter 3, CoreMedia Properties Overview in Deployment Manual). The following links contain the properties that are relevant for the CAE:
Section 3.1.1, “General CAE Properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the general configuration of the CAE, such as the View Dispatcher or preview features.
Section 3.1.2, “Delivery CAE Properties” in Deployment Manual contains mostly properties for development mode.
Section 3.1.3, “Http Cache Control Properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of the HTTP Cache of the CAE.
Section 3.1.4, “CORS Properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) of the CAE.
Section 3.1.5, “Blob Transformation properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of blob transformation feature.
Section 3.1.6, “Renamed CAE Properties” in Deployment Manual contains an overview of old and new names of renamed CAE properties.
Section 3.11, “UAPI Client Properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for UAPI clients which can also be used by the CAE.