

Frontend Developer Manual / Version 2304
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This brick offers the following features:

  • CMPicture support with different image sizes for various viewport dimensions (responsive images). This means, that different crops of an image can be displayed on different devices.

  • CMVideo support to render a native HTML5 video element.

  • CMAudio support to render a native HTML5 audio element.



To support the playback of videos from external sources like YouTube, Vimeo etc. the mediaelement brick is required. For more information visit Section 6.3.7, “MediaElement”

Wireframe of media

Figure 6.9.  Wireframe of media

  1. The image in its default size and shape

  2. It can be fitted into different aspect ratios according to the parent container

  3. And rendered with different resolutions for smaller use cases

Using the Brick

The brick provides a media view for content of type com.coremedia.blueprint.common.contentbeans.CMPicture, com.coremedia.blueprint.common.contentbeans.CMVideo and com.coremedia.blueprint.common.contentbeans.CMAudio so the first item in the media property of a com.coremedia.blueprint.common.contentbeans.CMTeasable could be rendered using:

<@cm.include self=self.firstMedia view="media" />
Templates and Parameters

These templates can be included in your theme (for example, in a CMVideo.asHero.ftl template) as follows:

<@cm.include self=self view="media" params={"preload": true}/>
Responsive Images

Images need to be available in various sizes and resolutions to fit different use cases. For example in a 4x3 aspect ratio for a teaser, 16x9 in a hero teaser and both scaled down for a mobile view as well. The media brick provides an efficient way to choose the best fitting image for any case.

At first the responsive image settings need to be configured in your sites content and linked to its settings. For more information on how to do this, configuring all image croppings and the available settings see Section 5.4.14, “Images” in Blueprint Developer Manual . The different image croppings you define here are then available in the frontend. When including a CMPicture in a template using the media view, an object containing URLs for all defined variants will be added in a data-cm-responsive-media attribute to the HTML img element.

The picture and its parent div element are essential units. The img has a CSS class consisting of the block class and a __picture suffix. This positions the image absolute in its parent. The parent has the same block class with a __picture-box suffix. This renders a before pseudo element responsible for the correct height ratio defined by its padding-top value. Therefore, CoreMedia provides the SCSS mixin aspect-ratio-box to receive the wanted aspect ratio.

@include aspect-ratio-box(4, 3);


The matching crop to the values for the aspect-ratio-box must be defined in the responsive image settings.

For every page load and viewport size change the responsive image JavaScript is triggered for every image with the cm-responsive-media data attribute. It decides which is the best fitting image from the set of responsive images for the height and the width of the parent image-box div and puts its URL into the src attribute of the image.

The view accepts the following parameters.

Parameter Type Default Description
classBox String "" CSS class for the outer div that contains the image and title.
classMedia String "" CSS class for the div containing the image.
disableCropping Boolean false When set to true, in every case the highest available resolution of the image is used and responsive images is disabled.
background Boolean false When set to true, the image is linked as background-image in the style tag of the block div.
metadata Array [] Additional PDE Information to attach to the outer div of the image.
metadataMedia Array [] Additional PDE Information to attach to the image itself.
additionalAttr Map {} This adds attributes to the img tag.

Table 6.11. Parameters of the media view for responsive images



Correctly configured responsive image settings that are linked to the site are mandatory for the responsive images function to work! The fallback is one image with its highest resolution available.

Video and Audio

To configure the behavior of the video or audio elements you can add the following parameters to the cm.include tag:

Parameter Type Default Description
hideControls Boolean false Hide the control panel for audio and video playback
autoplay Boolean false The media file starts playing automatically after it has been loaded
loop Boolean false The audio or video plays in an infinite loop
muted Boolean false The video is muted
preload Boolean false The browser starts loading the first part of the media file

Table 6.12. Parameters of the media brick



Please note, that setting these parameters will overwrite the settings, defined in the content itself. A Studio user can define the autoplay, loop, muted and hideControls configuration of videos and audio files by changing them in the content form of the content. Since the Studio configuration is only used as a fallback, the configuration by template parameters will always finally decide the player's behavior.

Additional Resources
  • playicon.param.svg



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