Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsTo query a specific site, issue a query containing the content/site field, either with the root segment of the associated homepage or with the site ID as a parameter (for example, ID of the Corporate home page, "abffe57734feeee") You will find the site ID in the Site Indicator content of the site):
The former argument 'id' is deprecated as of version 2004 in favor of the more specific argument name 'siteId'. The argument 'id' may still be used, but will be removed in future versions!
query SiteQuery($id: String!) { content { site(siteId: $id) { name id root { ...Reference ...Navigation } crops { name aspectRatio { width height } sizes { width height } } } } } fragment ContentInfo on Content_ { name creationDate } fragment Reference on CMLinkable { ...ContentInfo title segment link { id type } } fragment NavigationEntry on CMLinkable { ...Reference title } fragment Navigation on CMNavigation { ...NavigationEntry ... on CMNavigation { children { ...NavigationEntry ... on CMNavigation { children { ...NavigationEntry ... on CMNavigation { children { ...NavigationEntry ... on CMNavigation { children { ...NavigationEntry } } } } } } } } } }
Alternatively you may query a site using the root segment parameter instead (example shortened):
query SiteQueryByRootSegment($rootSegment: String!) { content { site(rootSegment: $rootSegment) { name id locale } } }
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