Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsCopyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2023
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October 11, 2023- 1. Preface
- 2. Overview
- 3. Customizing Salesforce Commerce Cloud
- 4. Connecting to a Salesforce Commerce Cloud System
- 5. Commerce-led Integration Scenario
- 6. Studio Integration of Commerce Content
- 7. Commerce Caching
- 8. The eCommerce API
- 9. Commerce Adapter Properties
- Glossary
- Index
List of Figures
- 2.1. Architectural overview of the Commerce Hub
- 2.2. More detailed architecture view
- 5.1. Commerce-led Architecture Overview
- 5.2. Commerce-led Request Flow
- 5.3. Various Shop Pages with CMS Fragments
- 5.4. Using the CoreMedia Content Widget - A Homepage Fragment
- 5.5. Content Slot Configuration Example
- 5.6. External Page ID set via CoreMedia Studio
- 5.7. Content Asset Configuration Example
- 5.8. Example request flow
- 5.9. Storefront Cache Information
- 5.10. Multiple Fragment Requests without Prefetching
- 5.11. LiveContext Settings: Prefetch Views per Placement
- 5.12. LiveContext Settings: Prefetching Additional Views
- 5.13. Configure Logging Categories for CoreMedia Cartridge
- 6.1. Library with catalog in the tree view
- 6.2. Library tree with multiple occurrences of the same category
- 6.3. Open Product in tab
- 6.4. Open Category in tab
- 6.5. Test Customer Persona with Commerce Customer Segments
- 6.6. Edit Commerce Segments in Test Customer Persona
- 6.7. Catalog structure in the catalog root content item
- 6.8. Choosing a page layout for a shop page
- 6.9. Decision diagram
- 6.10. Page grid for PDPs in augmented category
- 6.11. Example: Contact Us Pagegrid
- 6.12. Example: Navigation Settings for a simple SEO Page
- 6.13. Special Case: Navigation Settings for the Homepage
- 7.1. Multiple levels of caching
- 7.2. Commerce Cache Invalidation
- 7.3. Actuator URLs in overview page
- 7.4. Actuator results for cache.timeout-seconds.ecommerce properties
List of Tables
List of Examples