Search Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsCopyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2023
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October 11, 2023- 1. Preface
- 2. Overview
- 3. Search Engine
- 4. Searching for Content
- 5. Searching for CAE Content Beans
- 6. Reference
- Glossary
- Index
List of Figures
List of Tables
- 1.1. Typographic conventions
- 1.2. Pictographs
- 1.3. CoreMedia manuals
- 1.4. Changes
- 5.1. Properties for retry on Solr server
- 5.2. Feedable Element Types for Java Bean Properties
- 6.1. JMX attributes of the Feeder MBean
- 6.2. JMX operations of the Feeder MBean
- 6.3. JMX attributes of the UpdateGroupsBackgroundFeed MBean
- 6.4. JMX operations of the UpdateGroupsBackgroundFeed MBean
- 6.5. JMX attributes of the AdminBackgroundFeed MBean
- 6.6. JMX operations of the AdminBackgroundFeed MBean
- 6.7. JMX operations of the CaeFeeder MBean
- 6.8. Attributes of the Feeder MBean
- 6.9. Attributes of the ProactiveEngine MBean
- 6.10. Properties of SolrIndexer MBean
- 6.11. Supported Languages
List of Examples
- 5.1. Configure the Content Server
- 5.2. Configure the database
- 5.3. ContentSelector example
- 5.4. Definition of FeedableContentBeanEvaluator
- 5.5. Example Content Bean to Feedable Mapping
- 5.6. Example of a fragment key implementation
- 5.7. Example of a PersistenCacheKeyFactory implementation
- 5.8. Define and register the factory in the Spring context
- 5.9. Using the fragment key in the content bean
- 5.10. Configure content bean with factory