

Connector for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Manual / Version 2307

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5.2.2 The CoreMedia Include Tags


Behind the scenes of the CoreMedia Content Widget works the CoreMedia islcinclude tag. You may also use it in your own ISML templates to embed CoreMedia content on the commerce side. In general it is used like this:

<iscontent type="text/html" charset="UTF-8" compact="true"/>
<isinclude template="coremedia/modules.isml"/>

<isset name="pageId" value="${cmUtil.pageId(pdict)}" scope="page"/>
<isset name="categoryId" value="${cmUtil.categoryId(pdict)}" scope="page"/>
<isset name="productId" value="${cmUtil.productId(pdict)}" scope="page"/>
<islcinclude pageId="${pageId}" categoryId="${categoryId}" productId="${productId}" placement="header"/>

All parameters are described in the Include Tag Reference section.

The islcinclude tag from CoreMedia renders the CMS fragments in the same context of the caller. That means all the following code would have access to the results of this call. This technique is, for example, especially useful for the metadata call. This is different to the islcincludeRemote tag that will be described describe later.


In some cases you might want to decide what to do next, depending on the result of a fragment call. For such a case you can use the islcincludeVar tag. It stores the result in a fragmentPayload page variable and the HTTP status in a separate fragmentHttpStatus variable. You could now, depending on the status, either print the fragment payload to the output stream or do an alternative rendering.

As an example you can use this technique to decide whether the navigation should be rendered by the CMS or the shop. In the template you can ask the CMS if it is able to render the navigation. If there is a result status of "200", then the fragment payload can be printed to the response. Otherwise, the original shop template should do the work.

<isinclude template="coremedia/modules.isml"/>
<iscomment>Render CoreMedia Navigation if available</iscomment>
<isset name="pageId" value="${cmUtil.pageId(pdict)}" scope="page"/>
<islcincludeVar pageId="${pageId}" view="asNavigation" />
<isif condition="${fragmentHttpStatus == '200'}">
    Render the output of the navigation fragment call into the page.
    The fragment response is already encoded and shouldn't be encoded twice!
  <isprint value="${fragmentPayload}" encoding="off"/>
    The original SFRA template was copied. Please verify if the original is
    changed and should be renewed.
  <isinclude template="components/header/menu-original" />


As a specialty of the Salesforce Commerce platform fragments can be rendered in a remote call for the reason of cacheability and reusability. In ISML templates an iscomponent can be used to achieve this. With the islcincludeRemote tag it is possible to enforce a remote call to gather a CMS fragment. The CMS fragment will then be rendered in the remote context with its own pipeline dictionary. But the parameters of this tag are mostly the same as for the islcinclude tag except of the prefetch and ajax parameters. Both parameters make no sense in the remote case, because the fragment is requested in a completely new context (by a new HTTP call). This new context serves only this single fragment and a further prefetch of all fragments would result in an unnecessary rendering effort on the CAE side. Same applies to the ajax parameter. The actual fragment call is made by the browser. The required AJAX stub code is so small that it does not have to be cached separately.

<div class="header-banner">
  <iscomment>CoreMedia include of header</iscomment>
  <isset name="pageId" value="${cmUtil.pageId(pdict)}" scope="page"/>
  <islcincludeRemote pageId="${pageId}" placement="header" view="asDefaultFragment"/>



The CoreMedia Content Widget is using the islcinclude tag. The reason for this is that it makes it easier to transfer computed values into the caller context and thus influence the subsequent rendering. For example, the processing of the HTML metadata makes use of it (to set the HTML title and meta tags).

Include Tag Reference

The tag attributes have the following meaning:

Parameter Description

productId, categoryId

These attributes are used in the CAE to find the context which will be used for rendering the requested fragment. Both parameters should not be set at the same time since depending on the attributes set for the include tag, different handlers are invoked: If the categoryId is set, CategoryFragmentHandler will be used to generate the fragment HTML. If the productId is set, ProductFragmentHandler will be used to generate the fragment HTML.


This parameter is optional. Usually, the page ID is computed from the requested URL (the last token in the URL path without a file extension). If you set the parameter, the automatically generated value is overwritten. On the Blueprint side an Augmented Page will be retrieved to serve the fragment HTML. The transmitted page ID parameter must match the External Page ID of the Augmented Page. You might use the parameter, for example, in order to have one CoreMedia page to deliver the same content to different shop pages.


This attribute defines the name of a placement in the page grid of the requested context. In the example for the header fragment, the "header" placement was used. If you do not want to render a certain placement but a view of the whole CMS page you may omit it. This attribute can be combined with the externalRef attribute. In this case the placement will be rendered for a specific CMChannel, so the external reference must point to a CMChannel instance.


The attribute "view" defines the name of the CMS view which will render the fragment. Such view templates must exist on the CMS side. There are several views prepared in Blueprint: metadata (to render the HTML title and metadata), externalHead (to render parts of the HTML header like CSS and JavaScripts that are needed in CMS fragments), externalFooter (is also mostly used for loading scripts) and asAssets (that can render the CoreMedia Product Asset Widget). If you omit the view, the default view will be used. In such cases you have either the placement or the whole page grid of a CoreMedia page is rendered.


This attribute is used in the CAE to find content. The attribute can be used in combination with the view and/or parameter attribute.


This attribute is used to signal the CoreMedia Fragment Connector a prefetch of all fragments should be made before requesting the fragment. At best, this should lead to a single call that gets all wanted fragments that will follow in the same request context. A following fragment call can then be served from the local cache, or if not found, will be made in the traditional way. This attribute is optional and the default value is false. That means, you have to actively find out which fragments are the first to be rendered on a page and set the parameter to true.


This attribute is used to signal the CoreMedia Fragment Connector that a AJAX stub code should be written into the output instead of calling the CAE. The link that is set into stub code points to the CM-Dynamic controller with the fragment URL as parameter. The usage of this parameter has two advantages. The stub code can be written in no time and therefore does not delay the processing of the whole page. In addition, these fragments are not counted into the quota for external requests. This parameter is optional and the default value is false. Please note that setting this parameter to true cannot be combined with prefetch=true because such an include will not trigger a CAE request that can do a prefetch.


This attribute is optional and can be used to apply a request attribute to the CAE request. The request attribute is stored using the constant FragmentPageHandler.PARAMETER_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE. The value may be read from a triggered web flow, for example, to pass a redirect URL back to the commerce system once the flow is finished. The attribute also supports values to be passed in JSON format (using single quotes only), for example parameter="{'test':'some value','value':123}". The key/values pairs are available in the FragmentParameters object and may be accessed using the getParameterValue(String key) method. Other additional values, like information about the current user that should be passed for every request, may be added to the request context that is built when the commerce system requests the fragment information from the CAE (see next section).

Table 5.1. Attributes of the Include tag

Finding Handlers

You can control the behavior of the islcinclude tag by providing different sets of attributes. Depending on the used attributes, different handlers are invoked to generate the HTML.

The CoreMedia islcinclude tag requests data from the CAE via HTTP. Each attribute value of the include tag is passed as path or matrix parameter to the FragmentPageHandler. In order to find the matching handler, the FragmentPageHandler class calls the include method of all fragment handler classes defined in the file livecontext-fragment.xml. The first handler that returns "true" generates the HTML. Example 5.1, “Default fragment handler order” shows the default order:

<util:list id="fragmentHandlers" value-type="com.coremedia.livecontext.fragment.FragmentHandler">
  <description>This list contains all handlers that are used for fragment calls.</description>
  <ref bean="externalRefFragmentHandler" />
  <ref bean="externalPageFragmentHandler" />
  <ref bean="productFragmentHandler" />
  <ref bean="categoryFragmentHandler" />

Example 5.1. Default fragment handler order

If the handlers are in the default order, then the table shows which handler is used depending on the attributes set. An "x" means that the attribute is set, a "-" means that the attribute is not allowed to be set and no entry means that it does not matter if something is set. For more details, have a look into the handler classes.

External Reference Page ID Category ID Product ID Used Handler
x     ExternalRefFragmentHandler
x - - ExternalPageFragmentHandler
   x ProductFragmentHandler
  x - CategoryFragmentHandler

Table 5.2. Fragment handler usage

Using Commerce-side Includes

Up to this point you have already seen CMS fragments that are embedded in the store-side HTML output. But one twist further it is also possible the other way around: to define placeholders in CMS templates that will be replaced later during the shop rendering (as server-side includes). This is already used by default for creating URLs in CMS fragments.

A "Velocity rendering technique" is used to achieve this. The Salesforce system has already the possibility to write Velocity expressions in templates as an alternative scripting mechanism. For example such Velocity expressions can be used to include other components or even to call each publicly exported script function.

It is possible to write Velocity script directly into CMS-side FreeMarker templates. Such a Velocity script section must be included into an HTML comment section to have an unbroken output of fragments even without the Velocity script engine (for example, if you call the fragments directly in a browser).

A Velocity sections must start with a <!--VTL text and end with VTL-->. The following examples will illustrate this.

  • VTL scripts cannot be nested. Be careful with includes of further templates within such a Velocity section that may contain more Velocity scripts. Be aware that rendering a link within a Velocity script (using cm.getLink()) would lead to such a situation. Rather don't use any includes in VTL scripts.

  • Velocity expressions start with a "$" char. Additionally, the "#" char is also reserved. If you want to use these chars around a Velocity expression but within a VTL section you have to mask these characters manually. Use "$D" instead of "$" and $H instead of "#".

This mechanism is currently prepared for four use cases. To support these cases, there is a file cartridge/scripts/cmInclude.js which contains publicly exported script functions that can be used directly.

Rendering Commerce Links

It is already used by default. The SfccLinkResolver class is part of the eCommerce Blueprint and generates Velocity expression instead of HTML links into the fragment output. It ensures that commerce links are built exclusively on the Commerce side. The CMS does not need to know anything about the resulting format (for example, SEO mapping on/off is transparent for the CMS).

In general the CMS-side format complies to the canonical URL format in the Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform. Parameters can be passed directly to certain controllers. There are various types of possible target pages/controllers. In the following example a category page link is shown. Each target page type has its own allowed set of parameters. Please see the class SfccLinkResolver to get further information.

<!--VTL $include.url('Search-Show','cgid','womens-clothing-dresses','preview','true') VTL-->

Overwriting HTML Metadata

The CMS can overwrite the finally used HTML metadata for the HTML title, keywords and description tag by using the metadata function in CMS templates. This is typically the case for content driven pages. The following code shows an example from the Page.metadata.ftl template.

<!--VTL $include.metadata('${content.htmlTitle}','${content.htmlDescription}',
'${content.keywords}') VTL-->

Including any Salesforce Controller

Salesforce Commerce Cloud reusable components are typically implemented as a controller with its own URL to call. Any Salesforce controller can be included by giving its name and all required parameters. The same ones you need to call the controller on the Salesforce side. There is a controller() function prepared in the cmInclude.js file that can be used. The following code example shows how the include a product teaser that is rendered by the Salesforce platform. All parameters can also be calculated dynamically.

<!--VTL $include.controller('Product-HitTile','pid','25448070','showswatches','true',
'showpricing','true','showpromotion','true','showrating','true') VTL-->

Including any ISML Template

Less often it will be necessary to embed an ISML template. A template() function is prepared in the cmInclude.js file for such cases. This example shows the include of a template example.isml which renders a product teaser again. The called ISML template must be located in the cartridge/templates/default/coremedia/cms directory of the CoreMedia Cartridge for Salesforce.

<!--VTL $include.template('example','pid','682875090845','showswatches','true',
'showpricing','true','showpromotion','true','showrating','true') VTL-->

Including the Availability of a Product

The availability of a product in stock can be tested on the shop side by calling the availability() function. The prepared function in the cmInclude.js file expects at least one argument: the product ID. The result of this method is a string that indicates if the product is available in stock or not. If not given as separate parameters the method returns true or false. Alternative strings can be passed as second and third argument.

<!--VTL $include.availability('${self.product.externalId}') VTL-->
<!--VTL $include.availability('${self.product.externalId}','available','not-available') VTL-->

Calling custom Script Functions

Only exported functions from the cartridge/scripts/cmInclude.js file can be called by default. As you can see in the examples above, they are all exposed below the context include. To call your own functions you can add these functions to the file. To call other function from other files or even other cartridges, more requires directives would have to be added to the renderVelocity() function in cartridge/scripts/cmVtlProcessor.js. An alternative would be to overwrite the whole cmInclude.js module in our own custom cartridge and copy and extend the code.

Fragment Request Context

In addition to the passed request parameters, a personalization context is built via the cmContextProvider.js script as part of the CoreMedia Cartridge for Salesforce. The default implementation can be extended with custom values. The context information is then passed as header attributes to the CAE. For more details see Section 5.3, “Extending the Shop Context”.

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