Search Manual / Version 2307
Table Of ContentsConfigure the Content Feeder to provide full-text search for contents of the Content Management Environment, for example in CoreMedia Studio.
Configuration of the Content Feeder is described in the following sections:
Section 4.2.1, “Required Configuration”
In this section you can read how to configure the essential Feeder settings. These are the connection settings with the Search Engine and the Content Server.
Section 4.2.2, “Content Configuration”
This section explains which information for which content types and properties you want to index into which fields. This configuration is not required, because by default all relevant content types and properties are indexed for search.
Section 4.2.3, “Advanced Configuration”
Here, you can read how to optimize your Content Feeder in order to improve speed and error handling.
For custom search applications, you may also want to set up a Content Feeder connected to the CoreMedia Master Live Server to provide full-text search for contents in the Content Delivery Environment. Note that for website search you typically search for content beans that were fed by a CAE Feeder, see Chapter 5, Searching for CAE Content Beans for details.