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The Importer allows you to define XSLT style sheets which transforms XML files of your format into the CoreMedia format. This style sheet is automatically executed on import.

The XSLT interpreter used in CoreMedia requires style sheets corresponding to the W3C Recommendation of the 16.11.1999. This particularly concerns the XSL namespace in the <xsl:stylesheet> element, which must be set to


Older XSL editors still generate the variant from an earlier Working Draft:


This is out of date and not supported by CoreMedia.

The value of the class property in the configuration file for an XSLT transformer is XsltTransformerFactory. Furthermore, the desired style sheet must be defined with property.stylesheet. The path may either be absolute, or relative to the installation directory (Standalone Importer) respectively the WEB-INF directory (Web Application Importer).

com.coremedia.publisher.importer.XsltTransformerFactory Stylesheet

Example 4.16. XSLT configuration

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