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Locales are denoted in content by IETF BCP 47 (Internet Engineering Task Force Best Current Practice no. 47) language tags as specified by RFC 5646. A typical language tag consists of a language and country element such as en‑US (English (United States)) or de‑DE (German (Germany)). Valid language subtags are registered by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) in the IANA Language Subtag Registry. The most simple IETF BCP 47 language tags consist of the primary language subtag only, for example, en (English).

Along with the criteria mentioned in the specification an additional restriction applies for locales used in context of CoreMedia Studio:

Locales must differ in their display name as generated by your JDK.

Thus, it is especially discouraged using so-called Private Use Subtags separated by reserved single-character subtag 'x' as they are not represented in the display name.


Display Name Localization Is Not Customizable

CoreMedia Content Cloud does not provide means for customizing localization of Locale display names. The display name is localized solely by your JDK, which in turn eases introducing new locales to your system without providing custom translations.

Display Names of Locales

If you are going to define a custom locale, it is important to ensure, that the display name of each locale offered to your editors differ regarding their display name. This section recommends possible options for designing a locale, so that customizations are visible in the display name.

In addition to primary language and region subtags the subtags listed in Table 3.1, “Subtags Represented in Display Name” are known to be part of the display name and thus may be taken into account for creating customized locales for special needs.


Script subtags are defined in RFC 5646, Section 2.2.3.

The length of a script subtag must be exactly four having only alphabetic characters. Script subtags are typically registered at IANA. One exception exists for script subtags Qaaa through Qabx which are for private use.

While Java only checks for well-formed script subtags, it is recommended sticking to the specification.

en-Qaaa-US; displayed as English (Qaaa, United States)

Variant subtags are defined in RFC 5646, Section 2.2.5.

A language tag may contain multiple variants separated by dashes. Each variant may only contain alphanumeric characters. In addition to the specification, current Java implementations limit the number of characters to eight at maximum.

Just as scripts, variants are typically registered at IANA. There is no concept of private use variant subtags. Nevertheless, Java does not validate against registered variants.

en-US-Variant; displayed as English (United States, Variant)
Extension: Unicode Locale Keyword

Extension subtags are defined in RFC 5646, Section 2.2.6. A special type of these extension subtags are Private Use Subtags defined in RFC 5646, Section 2.2.7.

The separator for extensions must be registered at IANA. The separator 'x' is used for private use subtags. While the private use subtags provide most freedom choosing custom subtags, they are not displayed in the display name of the locale.

Regarding Java CoreMedia recommends using so-called Unicode Locale Keywords, which allow a key-value based approach. These key-value pairs are prefixed with 'u' within the language tag.

The following restrictions apply to the keyword: it must have a length of two characters and consist of alpha-numeric characters.

The following restrictions apply to the value: t may contain dash-separated values, where each single value has to be alpha-numeric and have a length of three to eight (including) characters.

en-US-u-ky-value; displayed as English (United States, ky: value)

Table 3.1. Subtags Represented in Display Name

Disclaimer: The actual behavior relies on your type and version of JDK.

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