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Operations Basics / Version 2310

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Operations Basics

Copyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2024

CoreMedia GmbH

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All rights reserved. No part of this manual or the corresponding program may be reproduced or copied in any form (print, photocopy or other process) without the written permission of CoreMedia GmbH.


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All trademarks acknowledged.

October 16, 2024

1. Introduction
1.1. Audience
1.2. Typographic Conventions
1.3. CoreMedia Services
1.3.1. Registration
1.3.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.3.3. Documentation
1.3.4. CoreMedia Training
1.3.5. CoreMedia Support
1.4. Changelog
2. Component Overview
2.1. Architectural Overview
2.2. Communication of Components
2.3. Third-Party Requirements
3. System Requirements
3.1. Java
3.2. Databases
4. Basics of Operation
4.1. Starting CoreMedia Command-Line Tools
4.1.1. Configuration of the Start Routine with JPIF Files
4.1.2. Which JVM will be used?
4.2. CoreMedia CMS Directory Structure
4.3. Configuration of CoreMedia Applications
4.4. Communication between the System Applications
4.4.1. Default Application Ports
4.4.2. Communication Through a Firewall
4.4.3. Binding Only a Single Network Interface
4.4.4. Encrypting CORBA Communication Using SSL
4.4.5. Preparing Spring Boot applications for HTTPS Connection
4.4.6. Troubleshooting
4.5. Collaborative Components
4.5.1. Overview
4.5.2. Deployment
4.5.3. Recovery of Collaborative Components Database
4.6. CoreMedia Licenses
4.7. Logging
4.7.1. Logging Configuration for Applications
4.7.2. Logging Configuration for Apache Solr
4.7.3. Logging Configuration for Command-Line Tools
4.8. Security
4.8.1. Overall Deployment
4.8.2. Open Ports
4.8.3. Passwords
4.8.4. URL Injection
4.8.5. Data Storage
4.8.6. Content Delivery
4.8.7. Third-party Software
4.8.8. Customizations
4.9. JMX Management
4.10. Actuator Endpoints
4.10.1. Info Endpoint
4.10.2. Health Endpoint
4.10.3. Cache Endpoint
4.10.4. CapConnection Endpoint
4.10.5. Customizations Endpoint
4.10.6. Metrics Endpoint
4.10.7. Content Server Runlevel Endpoint
4.10.8. Content Server Blob Collector Endpoint
4.10.9. Replicator Endpoint
4.10.10. CAE Feeder Reindex Endpoint
4.10.11. Content Feeder Reindex Endpoint
4.10.12. CAE Link Handlers Endpoint
5. Monitoring
5.1. General Concepts
5.1.1. Term Definitions
5.1.2. Endpoints
5.2. Monitoring Services
5.2.1. CAE Feeder
5.2.2. Content Application Engine
5.2.3. Content Feeder
5.2.4. Content Management Server
5.2.5. Master Live Server
5.2.6. Replication Live Server
5.2.7. Studio
5.2.8. User Changes Application
5.2.9. Workflow Server
5.3. JMX
5.3.1. CapConnection
5.3.2. ContentServer
5.3.3. Feeder
5.3.4. Health (Proactive Engine)
5.3.5. Proactive Engine Sub Component
5.3.6. Replicator
5.4. See Also

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