

Unified API Developer Manual / Version 2310
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The Unified API supports programmers and makes the administrator's life simple.

  • Programming is easy.

  • While the API is comprehensive, a simple application might still not use more than half a dozen classes. This greatly reduces the initial learning effort for using the API.

  • Creating a connection to Content Server and Workflow Server is as simple as calling a single method. Afterwards, the connection provides quick access to the entire system.

  • As different parts of the API share a common style and in fact a common metamodel, it is comparatively easy to acquire knowledge about new parts of the API.

  • The API explicitly specifies preconditions and postconditions and indicates the possible events and exceptions, leaving little room for ambiguities.

  • Convenience methods simplify common tasks.

  • Deployment is easy.

  • Deploying an application that uses the Unified API is straightforward. Adding a few jars to the class path is all that is needed. The API does not demand special configuration files.

  • Through a management interface it is possible to control Unified API applications at runtime.

  • The API is memory-efficient.

  • Multiple sessions per connection are possible, sharing a common cache while providing individual rights checks.

  • All stateful objects are thin wrappers that use little memory and fetch their state through the common cache as needed.

  • The API is robust.

  • The Unified API can survive server restarts, providing a continuous event stream and maintaining cache consistency.

  • The cache size is configurable in bytes, virtually eliminating fluctuations of memory usage by the API.

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