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Release Notes / Version 12.2401

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CoreMedia Core

Removed Deprecated Workflow Java API

The following deprecated classes and methods have been removed from the Workflow Server API and cannot be used in custom code or workflow definitions anymore:

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.AbstractExternalManager

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.LongActionRegistry

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.RegisteringLongAction

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringCollectiveLongAction

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringDelegateAction

  • Class com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringDelegateLongAction

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.WfServer#hasManager

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.WfServer#getManager

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.common.actions.Log#setFatal

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.WithSpringContext#getBean

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringAwareAction#getBean

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringAwareExpression#getBean

  • Method com.coremedia.workflow.common.util.SpringAwareLongAction#getBean

Follow Section, “Removed Deprecated Workflow Java API” for upgrade information.


Replacement of Deprecated Workflow Server Log Facility

The location of loggers for certain classes changed. The following classes are now using a logger in their own class instead of the logger of the com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.Server class:

  • com.coremedia.cotopaxi.wfserver.ServerRightsPolicyMarshallerResolver

  • classes extending com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.AbstractProcessSignalHandler

  • classes extending com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.AbstractTaskSignalHandler

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.Condition

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.ContentManager

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.ErrorLog

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.InternalSession

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.LightweightSession

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.MasterSession

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.ObjectRepositoryImpl

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.ParameterAssignment

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.ProcessValidator

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.SessionManager

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.TaskImpl

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.TimerManager

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.TimerMap

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.TransactionManager

  • com.coremedia.workflow.impl.server.Transformer

  • com.coremedia.workflow.adapters.persistence.GenericRDBMSAdapter

  • com.coremedia.workflow.beanparser.ProcessDefinitionFactory

  • com.coremedia.workflow.handlers.RunActionTimerHandler

  • com.coremedia.workflow.handlers.SkipUserTaskTimerHandler

  • com.coremedia.workflow.servlets.CommandServlet

  • com.coremedia.workflow.servlets.IORServlet

  • com.coremedia.workflow.servlets.StatsServlet

  • com.coremedia.workflow.tasks.ForkSubprocessRunTaskHandler

  • com.coremedia.workflow.validation.OfflineProcessDefinitionFactory


Deprecated ArchiveProcess Workflow Action: Functionality Removed

The functionality of the deprecated workflow action com.coremedia.workflow.common.actions.ArchiveProcess has been removed. The class still exists for backwards-compatibility of old serialized workflow definitions, but the action does not do anything anymore.

Follow Section, “Deprecated ArchiveProcess Workflow Action: Functionality Removed” for upgrade information.


Site Manager Removal

The Site Manager has been removed from the product.

Follow Section, “Site Manager Removal” for upgrade information.


Upgrade to Java 17

Java 17 is the next Long Term Support version of the Java platform. All components have been updated to work with Java 17. Java 17 is now also required for building the workspace and running the applications, Java 11 will not work anymore. The exception is the studio-client workspace which uses Sencha Cmd to build, which still requires Java 11. Please refer to the release note "Running Sencha Cmd after Java 17 Upgrade" for further details.

Follow Section, “Upgrade to Java 17” for upgrade information.


Workflow Server Database Tables

The Workflow Server will automatically create new tables in the 'cm_management' database: WfArchivedProcessInstances, WfArchivedTaskInstances, and WfArchivedVariables. These names are reserved and cannot be used as document type names.


Removed Conversion Service Bean from CapRepositoriesConfiguration

The Unified API spring boot integration configured a bean conversionService of type so that it was capable of converting Strings to ContentType instances. This feature was previously used for the Blueprint Spring configuration classes InterceptorsStudioAutoConfiguration, LcStudioLibComponentAutoConfiguration, and InferrersStudioConfiguration). The default conversion service bean has been removed and the configuration classes have been adjusted to use explicit content type retrieval. Instead of

@Value("CMLinkable") ContentType contentType

Follow Section, “Removed Conversion Service Bean from CapRepositoriesConfiguration” for upgrade information.


Upgraded Spring dependencies to latest major versions

Spring Boot was upgraded to version 3 and Spring to version 6. With these upgrades, many further dependencies had to be upgraded as well.

Follow Section, “Upgraded Spring dependencies to latest major versions” for upgrade information.


Changed Properties for Process Archiving in the in-memory Setup

The were turned into ConfigurationProperties. Configure the process archiving in the in-memory setup with the following properties also documented in the Deployment Dependencies section:

  • workflow.archive.endpoint-url instead of studio.url

  • workflow.archive.username instead of studio.user

  • workflow.archive.password instead of studio.password


Property 'usecaplist' no longer interpreted by Workflow Server

In the Workflow-Server previously, the usecaplist property was used to decide whether to connect to CapListRepository. Now, the repository.caplist.connect is used for this.


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