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Deployment Manual / Version 2401

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Deployment Manual

Copyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2024

CoreMedia GmbH

Altes Klöpperhaus, 5. OG

Rödingsmarkt 9

20459 Hamburg


All rights reserved. No part of this manual or the corresponding program may be reproduced or copied in any form (print, photocopy or other process) without the written permission of CoreMedia GmbH.


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All trademarks acknowledged.

July 09, 2024

1. Preface
1.1. Audience
1.2. Typographic Conventions
1.3. CoreMedia Services
1.3.1. Registration
1.3.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.3.3. Documentation
1.3.4. CoreMedia Training
1.3.5. CoreMedia Support
1.4. Changelog
2. Docker Setup
2.1. Container Images Build Process
2.1.1. Google Jib
2.1.2. Maven Structure
2.1.3. The java-application-base Image
2.2. Docker Container Startup
2.2.1. Startup Entrypoint and Command chain
2.2.2. Health Check
2.3. Container Configuration
2.3.1. Build Time Configuration
2.3.2. Start Time Configuration
2.3.3. Runtime Configuration
2.4. Containerized Tools
2.4.1. Running the Tools
2.4.2. Configuring the Tools
2.4.3. Examples With confd Rendered Configuration
2.4.4. Examples with Mounted Configuration
3. CoreMedia Properties Overview
3.1. Content Application Engine Properties
3.1.1. General CAE Properties
3.1.2. Delivery CAE Properties
3.1.3. Http Cache Control Properties
3.1.4. CORS Properties
3.1.5. Blob Transformation properties
3.1.6. Renamed CAE Properties
3.2. Content Server Properties
3.2.1. General Content Server Properties
3.2.2. CORBA Properties
3.2.3. Properties for the Publisher
3.2.4. Properties for the Connection to the Database
3.2.5. Properties for Replicator Configuration
3.2.6. Properties for Timezone and IOR
3.2.7. Renamed Properties
3.3. Headless Server Properties
3.3.1. Headless Server Spring Boot Properties
3.3.2. Persisted Query Properties
3.3.3. Metadata Properties
3.3.4. Remote Service Adapter Properties
3.3.5. Headless Server Cache Control Properties
3.3.6. Headless Server Cache Key Properties
3.3.7. Properties of External Frameworks
3.3.8. Renamed Properties
3.4. Studio Properties
3.4.1. Studio Configuration
3.4.2. Available Locales Configuration
3.4.3. Content Configuration
3.4.4. Navigation Validator Configuration
3.4.5. Preview URL Service Properties
3.4.6. Content Security Policy Configuration
3.4.7. Content Hub Configuration
3.4.8. Feedback Hub Configuration
3.4.9. Editorial Comments Configuration
3.4.10. Commerce Related Configuration
3.5. User Changes Properties
3.6. Workflow Server Properties
3.7. Commerce Hub Properties
3.8. Elastic Social Properties
3.8.1. General Elastic Social Properties
3.8.2. MongoDB Properties
3.8.3. Counter Properties
3.8.4. Task Queue Properties
3.8.5. Elastic Social Solr Properties
3.8.6. Renamed Properties
3.9. Importer Properties
3.10. Search Related Properties
3.10.1. Content Feeder Properties
3.10.2. CAE Feeder Properties
3.11. UAPI Client Properties
3.11.1. Unified API Spring Boot Client Properties
3.11.2. Renamed Properties
3.12. Cache Properties
3.13. Plugin Manager Properties
3.14. Blob Transformer Properties
3.15. Image Transformation Properties
4. Encryption Service Setup
4.1. Java Keystore based encryption service
4.1.1. Prerequisites
4.1.2. Configuration Properties Setup
4.1.3. Properties File Setup

List of Tables

1.1. Typographic conventions
1.2. Pictographs
1.3. CoreMedia manuals
1.4. Changes
3.1. Configuration Properties with Prefix cae
3.2. Delivery Properties
3.3. Configuration Properties with Prefix cache.control
3.4. Configuration Properties with Prefix cae.cors
3.5. Further Configuration Properties
3.6. Renamed CAE Configuration Properties
3.7. Content Server Properties
3.8. CORBA Properties
3.9. Publisher Properties
3.10. SQL Properties
3.11. Replicator Properties
3.13. Renamed Content Server Properties
3.14. Headless Server Properties
3.15. Persisted Query Properties
3.16. Metadata Root Properties
3.17. Headless Server Remote Properties
3.18. Headless Server Cache Control Properties
3.19. Headless Server Cache Key Properties
3.20. Headless Server External Framework Properties
3.21. Renamed Headless Server Properties
3.22. Studio Properties
3.23. Available Locales Properties
3.24. Content Properties
3.25. Navigation Validators Properties
3.26. Preview URL Service Properties
3.27. Content Security Policy Related Studio Properties
3.28. Content Hub Properties
3.29. Feedback Hub Properties
3.30. Editorial Comments Properties
3.31. Commerce Related Properties
3.32. User Changes App Properties
3.33. Workflow Server Properties
3.34. Commerce Hub Properties
3.35. Elastic Social Properties
3.36. MongoDb Properties
3.37. Counters Properties
3.38. Task-Queues Properties
3.39. Elastic Solr Properties
3.40. Renamed Elastic Social Properties
3.41. Properties of the file
3.42. Properties of the file
3.43. Content Feeder Configuration Properties
3.44. Content Feeder Solr Configuration Properties
3.45. Properties for login
3.46. Feeder Batch Configuration Properties
3.47. Feeder Tika Configuration Properties
3.48. Feeder Core Configuration Properties
3.49. Configuration of general properties independent from the type of the search engine
3.50. Feeder Tika Configuration Properties
3.51. CAE Feeder Solr Configuration Properties
3.52. UAPI Spring Boot Client Properties
3.53. Renamed UAPI Spring Boot Client Properties
3.54. Cache Properties
3.55. Plugin Manager Properties
3.56. Blob Transformer Properties
3.57. Image Transformation Properties
4.1. Key Store Encryption Service Properties

Search Results

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