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Search Manual / Version 2401

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Search Manual

Copyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2024

CoreMedia GmbH

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July 09, 2024

1. Preface
1.1. Audience
1.2. Typographic Conventions
1.3. CoreMedia Services
1.3.1. Registration
1.3.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.3.3. Documentation
1.3.4. CoreMedia Training
1.3.5. CoreMedia Support
1.4. Changelog
2. Overview
3. Search Engine
3.1. Starting
3.2. Solr Home and Core Directories
3.3. Leader/Follower Index Replication
3.3.1. Connecting CoreMedia applications
3.3.2. Replication Handler Configuration
3.3.3. Solr Follower Index Creation
3.4. SolrCloud
3.4.1. Connecting CoreMedia applications
3.4.2. SolrCloud Configuration
3.5. Reindexing
3.5.1. Reindexing Elastic Social Indices
3.5.2. Partial Reindexing of Content Feeder Indices
3.5.3. Partial Reindexing of CAE Feeder Indices
3.5.4. Reindexing Content Feeder and CAE Feeder Indices from Scratch
3.6. Creating Backups
3.6.1. Back up the state of the Feeders
3.6.2. Back up the Solr index
3.7. Restoring Backups
3.8. Searching in Different Languages
3.8.1. Details of Language Processing Steps
3.8.2. Configuring Multi-Language Search
4. Searching for Content
4.1. Concepts
4.1.1. Feeding the Search Engine
4.1.2. Partial Updates
4.1.3. Content Issues
4.1.4. Batches
4.1.5. Error conditions
4.1.6. Restrictions
4.2. Configure the Content Feeder
4.2.1. Required Configuration
4.2.2. Content Configuration
4.2.3. Advanced Configuration
4.3. Configure Search for the Content Server
4.3.1. Enable or Disable Search
4.3.2. Configuring the Search Engine Location
4.3.3. Configuring the Search Engine Collection
4.4. Configure Search for Studio
4.4.1. Configuring the Search Engine Location
4.4.2. Configuring the Search Engine Collection
4.4.3. Configure Studio Search Suggestions
4.5. Modify the Search Index
4.6. Operation of the Content Feeder
4.6.1. Re-Indexing
4.6.2. Administration Page
4.6.3. Start and Stop the Content Feeder
4.6.4. Clear Search Engine index
4.7. Implementing Custom Search
5. Searching for CAE Content Beans
5.1. Architectural Overview
5.2. Configuring the CAE Feeder
5.2.1. Configuring the Content Server
5.2.2. Configuring the Database
5.2.3. Configuring the Search Engine
5.2.4. Configuring Tika
5.2.5. Configuring Tika Zip Bomb Prevention
5.2.6. Configuring Tika metadata extraction
5.2.7. Configuring Tika ParseContext
5.2.8. Configuring Error Handling
5.3. Operations of the CAE Feeder
5.3.1. Starting and Stopping
5.3.2. Resetting
5.3.3. Disabling Invalidations
5.4. Indexing Content Beans
5.4.1. Specifying the Set of Indexed Content Beans
5.4.2. Configuring Content Bean Classes
5.4.3. Customizing Feedables
5.4.4. Modifying the Search Index
5.4.5. Using Revalidating Fragments
5.5. Integrating a Different Search Engine
5.6. Implementing Custom Search
6. Reference
6.1. Configuration Property Reference
6.1.1. Content Feeder Properties
6.1.2. CAE Feeder Properties
6.2. Content Feeder Metrics
6.3. Content Feeder JMX Managed Beans
6.4. CAE Feeder JMX Managed Beans
6.5. Solr Indexer JMX Managed Beans
6.6. Supported Languages in Solr Language Detection

Search Results

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