

Utilized Open Source Software & 3rd Party Licenses / Version 2401

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2. Used Third-Party Software

The following table lists all open source software which is used in CoreMedia products. If required by the license, you will find a reproduction of its license in this document.

ProductCopyright byUsed licenses
Amazon Web Services SDK Amazon Amazon Software License
ANTLR v3 Terence Parr BSD License
ASM INRIA, France Telecom ASM license
AspectJ Xerox Corporation Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
AssertJ Core The AssertJ Core authors Apache License 2.0
AssertJ Guava The AssertJ Guava authors Apache License 2.0
atinject Google Apache License 2.0
Bouncy Castle The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle Bouncy Castle License
bridge2java IBM IBM License Information document
cglib Apache License 2.0
caffeine Caffeine Apache License 2.0
Checker Framework checker-qual.jar MIT License
Classmate Classmate Apache License 2.0
Cup Parser Generator Scott Hudson, Frank Flannery, C. Scott Ananian CUP Parser Generator License
Apache Ant, commons-cli, commons-codec, commons-collections, commons-dbcp, commons-fileupload, commons-io, commons-lang3, commons-pool2, geronimo-annotation, httpcomponents-client, jakarta-taglibs, Lucene, poi, -Tomcat The Apache Software Foundation Apache Software License 1.1 and Apache License 2.0
Apache Solr, Tika The Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
concurrent package Doug Lea Public Domain
core-js Denis Pushkarev MIT License
data-url Rob Spoor Apache License 2.0
SpotBugs GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL 2.1)
gdata-analytics Google Apache License 2.0
graphiql-spring-boot-starter Graphiql MIT License
graphql-java graphql-java MIT License
graphql-java-dataloader graphql-java-dataloader Apache License 2.0
graphql-java-spring-webmvc graphql-java-spring-webmvc MIT License
Groovy The Groovy community Apache License 2.0
gRPC Java Google, WeWork Companies Inc. Apache License 2.0
Gson Google Apache License 2.0
Guava Libraries Google Apache License 2.0
Hamcrest Google New BSD License
HSQLDB Hypersonic SQL Group Hypersonic SQL Group License
httpunit 2000-2008, Russell Gold HttpUnit License
imageio-ext-turbojpeg GeoSolutions Gnu Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Jakarta Activation Jakarta Activation Eclipse Public License 1.0
Jakarta Inject Eclipse Jakarta Dependency Injection project Apache License 2.0
Jakarta Mail Jakarta Mail Eclipse Public License 2.0
Jakarta Servlet Eclipse Project for Servlet project Eclipse Public License 2.0
java-image-scaling Morten Nobel Gnu Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Jackson Java Json-processor FasterXML, LLC Apache License (AL) 2.0, LGPL 2.1
Jangaroo CoreMedia GmbH Apache License 2.0
Janino Java compiler Arno Unkrig New BSD
Jansi Hiram Chirino et al. Apache License 2.0
JAXB2 Basics Runtime Aleksei Valikov, Kohsuke Kawaguchi BSD
Java Bean Calendar Control John Margaglione Gnu Lesser General Public License
Java Image Filters Jerry Huxtable Apache License 2.0
JavaMail Oracle Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java EE Technologies
JBehave JBehave JBehave License
JCommon Object Refinery Limited and Contributors Gnu Lesser General Public License
Jcrop Kelly Hallmann and Deep Liquid Group MIT License
JFreeChart Object Refinery Limited and Contributors Gnu Lesser General Public License
Jersey CDDL 1.1
Jetty Janet Campbell, Copyright Agent Apache License 2.0 and Eclipse Public License 1.0
JLine Marc Prud'hommeaux et al. BSD
JHLabs Image Processing Filters Apache License 2.0
jQuery jQuery Foundation and other contributors MIT License
jQuery Json View Anton Bazhenov MIT License
Json-lib Douglas Crockford Apache Software License 2.0
Json The JSON License
jsr311-api   Common Development and Distribution License
jstl-impl GlassFish Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) version 1.0
jslt Schibsted Media Group Apache Software License 2.0
JTidy World Wide Web Consortium W3C JTidy License
JUnit Common Public License - v 1.0
KefirBB Vitaliy Samolovskih GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
KineticJS Eric Rowell MIT License
Lettuce Apache License 2.0
libjpeg-turbo TurboJPEG Java Wrapper libjpeg-turbo BSD License
lodash JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
Logback Gnu Lesser General Public License 2.1, EPL
Mbknor Jackson jsonSchema Generator NextGenTel MIT License
Micrometer Micrometer The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL ServerMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Software License
Mockito Google MIT License
Moment.js JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
MongoDB Java Driver MongoDB The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
morris.js Olly Smith BSD License
OpenCSV OpenCSV The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
owasp-esapi-java The OWASP Foundation BSD License
Pixastic   Mozilla Public License 1.1
Plugin Framework for Java   The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Protobuf Java Google New BSD License
raphael.js Dmitry Baranovskiy and Sencha Labs Apache License 2.0
Resilience4j Robert Winkler, Bohdan Storozhuk, Mahmoud Romeh and Dan Maas Apache License 2.0
Alejandro Abdelnur,
Patrick Chanezon,
Elaine Chien
Apache License 2.0
RxJS Google, Inc., Netflix, Inc., Microsoft Corp. and contributors Apache License 2.0
slf4j MIT License
Selenium Selenium Selenium License
Shutterstock Images Shutterstock Shutterstock License
Spring Framework All contributors Apache License 2.0
Springdoc Springdoc OpenAPI Apache License 2.0
Swagger Swagger Apache License 2.0
ThreeTen-Extra New BSD License
Thymeleaf Thymeleaf Apache License 2.0
tslib Microsoft Corporation Apache License 2.0
subethasmtp Dave Moten and other contributors Apache License 2.0
uuid Robert Kieffer and other contributors MIT License
webpack JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
XMLUnit Tim Bacon and Jeff Martin BSD License

Table 2.1. Third-party software and open source software used in CoreMedia products

ProductCopyright byUsed licenses
Ajv Evgeny Poberezkin MIT License
Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript, Inc. or its affiliates Apache License 2.0
Archiver Chris Talkington, contributors MIT License
Autoprefixer Andrey Sitnik MIT License
Babel Sebastian McKenzie and other contributors MIT License
Babel Loader Luís Couto MIT License
Buffer List Rod Vagg, and others MIT License
Bootstrap Twitter, Inc and the Bootstrap authors MIT License
Browserlist Andrey Sitnik MIT License
Canvas graphics API TJ Holowaychuk, and others MIT License
Chalk Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Chokidar Paul Miller, and others MIT License
ci-info Thomas Watson Steen MIT License
Circular Dependency Plugin Aaron Ackerman ISC License
Clean plugin for webpack John Agan MIT License
closest-package Hugh Kennedy MIT License
console-polyfill Paul Miller MIT License
content-type Douglas Christopher Wilso MIT License
copy-webpack-plugin JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
copyfiles Calvin Metcalf MIT License
css-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
date-fns Sasha Koss MIT License
deepmerge James Halliday, Josh Duff, and other contributors MIT License
Dependency Graph Jim Riecken MIT License
dotenv motdotla Simplified BSD License
enhanced-resolve Tobias Koppers MIT License
escape-string-regexp Sindre Sorhus MIT License
ESLint JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
eslint-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
eslint-import-resolver-node Ben Mosher MIT License
eslint-plugin-import Ben Mosher MIT License
eslint-plugin-jsdoc Gajus Kuizinas New BSD License
eslint-plugin-unused-imports Mikkel Holmer Pedersen MIT License
express TJ Holowaychuk MIT License
expose-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
file-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
find-up Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Freemarker template engine Apache License 2.0
fs-extra JP Richardson MIT License
get-installed-path Charlike Mike Reagent MIT License
get-port Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Glob Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors ISC License
hex-to-uuid Kirill Beresnev MIT License
http-proxy-middleware Steven Chim MIT License
imagesLoaded David DeSandro MIT License
imports-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
Inquirer.js Simon Boudrias MIT License
Jest Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates MIT License
jest-junit Jason Palmer Apache 2.0 License
jsdom Elijah Insua, and others MIT License
jQuery JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
JS-YAML Vladimir Zapparov, and others MIT License
JSON5 Aseem Kishore, and others MIT License
libnpmpublish npm Inc. ISC License
loader-utils JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
Lodash JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
log-symbols Sindre Sorhus MIT License
lottie-player Jawish Hameed MIT License
Magnific Popup Dmitry Semenov MIT License
md5-file Rory Bradford and contributors MIT License
MediaElement.js John Dyer MIT License
mini-css-extract-plugin JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
node.js Node.js contributors Node.js License
Node Fetch David Frank MIT License
node-sass Andrew Nesbitt MIT License
object-fit-images Federico Brigante MIT License
object-fit-videos TricomB2B MIT License
open Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin Nuno Rodrigues MIT License
PostCSS Loader Andrey Sitnik MIT License
PostCSS Object Fit Images Michael Shick MIT License
pkg-dir Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Prettier James Long and contributors MIT License
proxy-agent Nathan Rajlich MIT License
puppeteer The Chromium Authors Apache-2.0 License
Raleway Google Fonts Open Font License
raw-loader Tobias Koppers MIT License
Request - Simplified HTTP client Apache 2.0 License
resolve-from Sindre Sorhus MIT License
Resolve URL Loader Ben Holloway MIT License
rimraf Isaac Z. Schlueter ISC License
Roboto Google Fonts Apache License 2.0
rushstack eslint-patch Microsoft Corp. MIT License
Sass Loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
Selfsigned José F. Romaniello MIT License
semver Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors ISC License
slick Ken Wheeler MIT License
Sourcemap Loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
style-loader Tobias Koppers MIT License
tiny-lr Mickael Daniel MIT License
terser Mihai Bazon, and others Simplified BSD License
terser-webpack-plugin JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
ts-loader John Reilly, and others MIT License
tslib Microsoft Corp. Zero-Clause BSD
TypeScript Microsoft Corp. Apache 2.0 License
TypeScript ESLint James Henry, and others Simplified BSD License
UglifyJS Webpack Plugin JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
url-loader JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
unzip-stream Michal Hruby MIT License
uuid-parse zefferus MIT License
webpack, webpack-cli, webpack-sources JS Foundation and other contributors MIT License
webpack-virtual-modules SysGears INC MIT License
which Isaac Z. Schlueter ISC License
winston Charlie Robbins, and others MIT License
xmlbuilder-js Ozgur Ozcitak MIT License
Yargs James Halliday and contributors MIT License
Pnpm Pnpm Contributors MIT License

Table 2.2. Third-party software and open source software used in CoreMedia Products via NPM

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