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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2404

Table Of Contents Site Model and Sites Service

The site model and the sites service are strongly connected with each other. While the site model consists of properties defining the site structure, the sites service uses this model to work with sites programmatically.

Sites Service

The sites service is designed to access the available sites and to determine the relation between sites and contents. The site model configures the behavior of the sites service.

For developing multi-site features the main entry point is the sites service.

Site Model

The site model is the centralized configuration of the CoreMedia Multi-Site behavior. Its configuration is required in several applications which are listed below. While section Site Model Properties lists the configurable properties, the different configuration locations are explained per application:

Site Model Properties

The following table illustrates the configurable site model properties. To get to know more about the properties and patterns used, consult the Javadoc of com.coremedia.cap.multisite.SiteModel.

Specifies the content type of the site indicator content item. Each site must only have one instance of that content type.

Default Value CMSite

Defines the depth under the root of the site folder, where the site indicator content item resides.


Setting will phase out. First it will default to 0 and will be removed completely someday. In the end, the site indicator will always be located in the site root folder.

Default Value 0

Name pattern, which will be used for the name of the site indicator content item when deriving a site. Only placeholder {0} is available for this property. For an overview of placeholders see Table 5.21, “Placeholders for Site Model Configuration”.

Default Value {0} [Site]

Defines the pattern for the site's home page content item name, used while deriving a site. Only placeholder {0} is available for this property. For an overview of placeholders see Table 5.21, “Placeholders for Site Model Configuration”.

Default Value {0}

Defines the pattern for responsible default site manager group name when deriving a site. For available placeholders see Table 5.21, “Placeholders for Site Model Configuration”

Default Value manager-{4}

Defines the property of the site indicator content item holding the site manager group names.

Default Value siteManagerGroup

Defines the separator (as regular expression) how to split group names into elements, as for example for the site-manager-groups.

Default Value comma, including trailing space characters

Defines the group name denoting the role which permits a user to start a translation workflow.

Default Value translation-manager-role

Defines the property of the site indicator content item which contains the site id.

Default Value id

Defines the property of the site indicator content item which contains the site name.

Default Value name

Defines the property of translatable content and the site indicator content item, which holds the locale of the content.

Default Value locale

Defines the property of translatable content and the site indicator, which contains the link the master content item.

Default Value master

Defines the property of translatable content, which contains the version the corresponding master content item.

Default Value masterVersion

Defines the property of the site indicator content item, which refers to the home page content item of this site.

Default Value root

Defines the property of the site's home page content type, which defines the root URI segment of the site.

Default Value segment

Defines the pattern for the default root URI segment when deriving a site. For available placeholders see Table 5.21, “Placeholders for Site Model Configuration”.

Default Value {0}-{4}

Defines the pattern to determine the site folder for a new derived site. For available placeholders see Table 5.21, “Placeholders for Site Model Configuration”.

Default Value /Sites/{0}/{6}/{5}

Defines the folder name for the country folder, if the locale chosen while deriving a site defines no country explicitly.

Default Value NO_COUNTRY

Defines the user name of the user responsible for creating derived content during a translation workflow.

  • The user should have read / write access on all localizable Sites.

  • The user should not be allowed to use the editor service.

Default Value translation-workflow-robot

Table 5.20. Properties of the Site Model

Site Model Placeholders
Placeholder Description Example
{0} site name MySite
{1} site locale's language code en
{2} site locale's country code (defaults to language code, if not available) US
{3} site locale's variant (defaults to country or language code, if not available); using BCP 47 Extensions u-cu-usd
{4} site locale's IETF BCP 47 language tag en-US-u-cu-usd
{5} site locale's language display name (localized in U.S. English); only available for sitemodel.rootFolderPathPattern English
{6} site locale's country display name (localized in U.S. English); only available for sitemodel.rootFolderPathPattern United States
{7} site locale's variant with the prefix variantPrefix configured in site model's Spring context; defaults to empty String; only available for sitemodel.rootFolderPathPattern. See IANA Language Subtag Registry for valid registered variants. _arevela

Table 5.21. Placeholders for Site Model Configuration

Application Configurations

For details of the configuration in every application, please read the documentation below.

CoreMedia Studio

The site model default properties can be adjusted in the file in the src/main/resources directory of the studio-server module. See Chapter 3, Deployment in Studio Developer Manual for further information.

Content Management Server

The site model default properties can be adjusted in the file in the src/main/resources directory of the content-management-server-app module.

Content Application Engine

The site model default properties can be adjusted in the Live CAE as well as the Preview CAE. Choose your preferred way to set the properties and make sure that all CAEs receive the same configuration. See official Spring Boot documentation for further information.

Command Line Tools

The site model default properties can be adjusted in the file in the properties/corem directory of the cms-tools-application module.

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