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Workflow Manual / Version 2406.0

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2. Overview of CoreMedia Workflow



The Workflow Server is installed as a Spring Boot application. So you have to use the standard Spring Boot mechanisms to start and stop the server. The workflow server utilities described in Section 3.5, “Workflow Server Utilities” on the other hand are started with the cm utility.

The CoreMedia Workflow consists of two components:

  • The Workflow Server

  • This component is a complete server that communicates with the Content Management Server. The Workflow Server executes the workflow instances.

  • The Client GUI

  • The Client GUI is what the user works with: by means of the Client GUI tasks are offered and processed.

See the illustration below for grouping and interaction of the components:

CoreMedia architecture with integrated workflow

Figure 2.1. CoreMedia architecture with integrated workflow

CoreMedia CMS has a user interface for the creation and administration of workflows, which is integrated into CoreMedia Studio.

Studio workflow support

You can start and manage workflows from the Control Room in Studio and in the Workflow App. For details please consult Section 4.7.2, “Publishing Content” in Studio User Manual.

Control Room with workflow start window

Figure 2.2.  Control Room with workflow start window

Workflow in the Workflow App

Figure 2.3.  Workflow in the Workflow App

The CoreMedia Workflow comes with three predefined workflows. Two of these workflows deal with the approval and publication of resources, the third workflow handles translation.

  • simple-publication

  • A user (who needs approval and publish rights) creates a workflow with all necessary resources. The resources will be published (and implicitly approved) by the same user.

  • two-step-publication

  • A user creates a workflow with all necessary resources. A second user (who needs approval and publish rights) can approve the resources. After the successful completion of this task, the resources will be published automatically.

  • Translation Workflow

  • Workflow to translate content from the master site to derived sites.

  • Synchronization Workflow

  • Merges changes from the master site to derived sites.

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