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Content Application Developer Manual / Version 2412.0

Table Of Contents Best Practices

  • When handler code isn't trivial, then this code should be considered to be moved to a separate service class. This makes the business code both better to test and reusable.

    This is a simple example:

    public ModelAndView handle(
                        @PathVariable("id") Integer id,
                        @PathVariable("command") String command) {
      Object result = getService()
                      .performComplexComputation(id, command);
      return HandlerHelper.createModel(result);
  • It's possible to use Spring's mechanism for an annotation based automatic instantiation and autowiring of handlers and other beans. This requires the bean classes to be annotated with @Controller, @Service, @Inject etc. as well as using a <context:component-scan> declaration.

  • Several handler methods may exist in the same class for the same URI path if they handle different request methods (such as GET or POST)

  • The best practice for handling POST requests can be found here Section, “Handling POST requests”
  • The best practice for handling redirects can be found here Section, “Handling redirects”

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