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Deployment Manual / Version 2412.0

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3.8.2 Data Source Properties

The properties in this section are used to configure the data source. They are only an excerpt of the properties available for the data source. For more details consult the documentation of spring.datasource properties (SQL Databases :: Spring Boot, Spring Boot Appendix: Data Properties), which we wrap into application specific properties caplist.datasource. spring.datasource is backed by class org.​springframework.​boot.​autoconfigure.​jdbc.​DataSourceProperties.

As connection pool, we use HikariCP. If there is a need to adapt these, you may also refer to the official Spring Boot documentation for properties spring.datasource.hikari (again, here referenced as caplist.datasource.hikari).

The most important property is caplist.​datasource.​url which sets the URL to connect to.

In case another username, password has to be configured use the properties caplist.​datasource.​username, caplist.​datasource.​password.

Type String
Default cm_caplist

Login password of the database, possibly encrypted.

Type String

JDBC URL of the database connection for the cm_caplist schema.

Type String
Default cm_caplist

Login username of the database.

Table 3.36. Data Source Configuration Properties for CapLists

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