Search Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsYou can restrict the indexed contents by their type with the following two properties:
feeder.content.type.includes=Content_ feeder.content.type.excludes=\ EditorPreferences,Preferences,Dictionary,Query
Configuration not mandatory: The default configuration includes all content types except EditorPreferences, Preferences, Dictionary and Query.
The property feeder.content.type.includes
contains a comma-separated list of content types to be
included. Contrary the property feeder.content.type.excludes
contains a comma-separated list of
content types to be excluded. With a specified type all subtypes are included and excluded, respectively.
It is an error to specify the same content type in both properties. Rules for more specific types override
rules for less specific types.
Note, that the Content Feeder does not update already processed contents after changing the content types to index. A configuration change only affects newly processed contents. You must reindex as described in Section 3.5, “Reindexing”, if you want to update all contents or contents of a certain type.