Unified API Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsThe Unified API supports one listener type that can be directly attached to the connection: the CapConnectionListener. A connection listener is notified about important events that affect the status of the connection.
In particular, the listener is notified whenever the connection detects a problem in the
communication with the server. In this case, the connectionUnavailable
is called. As soon as the server or the network recovers, a connectionAvailable
is sent.
When the run level of the server is changed, there may be a warning that the
connection has to be closed. This is done through the method
. In the case that a run level switch is aborted,
the method connectionWillNotBeUnavailable
is called to signal this condition.
The method connectionDisrupted
indicates the rare event that the connect has
become permanently unavailable, so that no reconnect is attempted. Possibly the connection's
user was deleted in the database or the connection was shutdown by an explicit invocation of
cm killsession