Content Application Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsCopyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2025
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Licenses and Trademarks
All trademarks acknowledged.
February 19, 2025List of Figures
List of Tables
- 1.1. Typographic conventions
- 1.2. Pictographs
- 1.3. CoreMedia manuals
- 1.4. Changes
- 2.1. Components of the CAE framework
- 3.1. Connection properties
- 3.2. Properties for UAPI and temp blob cache
- 3.3. Properties for transformed blob cache
- 4.1. Content property to Java property mappings
- 4.2. Association types
- 4.3. Bean Properties in the DataView Example
- 4.4. Example of image transformation strings
- 5.1. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-component
- 5.2. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-viewservices
- 5.3. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cap-unified-api
- 5.4. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-contentbeanservices
- 5.5. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-cache
- 5.6. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-linkservices
- 5.7. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-id
- 5.8. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:cae-handlerservices
- 5.9. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-common
- 5.10. Beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-transform
- 5.11. Conditional beans in artifact com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-transform
- 5.12. com/coremedia/cae/controller-services.xml in artifact cae-handlerservices
- 5.13. TransformedBlobCacheManager attributes
List of Examples
- 3.1. Type based Cache-Control Configuration
- 3.2. Type based Cache-Control Configuration
- 4.1. Auto completion example
- 4.2. Auto completion exclusion example
- 4.3. Bean property with custom dependency
- 4.4. Accessing a bean property with a custom dependency
- 4.5. Triggering an invalidation of a custom dependency
- 4.6. A link scheme
- 4.7. Defining a link scheme
- 4.8. Iterating over java.util.Map entries in FreeMarker templates
- 4.9. Code for Idea auto-completion
- 4.10. A DOM with Metadata and Generated Metadata Tree
- 4.11. Responsive Device Slider Metadata
- 4.12. Studio Specific CSS and JavaScript Metadata
- 4.13. Mixed preview and custom metadata in FreeMarker
- 4.14. Configuring support for CSRF tokens in multipart forms
- 4.15. Implementing a CsrfLegacyTokenSetter
- 4.16. Implementing a CsrfLegacyTokenGetterFilter
- 4.17. Configuring CSRF backward compatibility
- 5.1. Add aspect support to content beans
- 5.2. Registering an aspects provider for content beans
- 5.3. Definition of an aspects provider for arbitrary Java beans
- 5.4. Annotating a Substitution method
- 5.5. Use of cm.substitute() in CMAction.ftl
- 5.6. Registering a substitution programmatically