Connector for commercetools Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsCopyright CoreMedia GmbH © 2025
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All rights reserved. No part of this manual or the corresponding program may be reproduced or copied in any form (print, photocopy or other process) without the written permission of CoreMedia GmbH.
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February 19, 2025List of Figures
- 2.1. Architectural overview of the Commerce Hub
- 2.2. More detailed architecture view
- 3.1. Example Commerce Settings
- 4.1. Library with catalog in the tree view
- 4.2. Library tree with multiple occurrences of the same category
- 4.3. Open Product in tab
- 4.4. Product in tab with JSON preview
- 4.5. Open Category in tab
- 4.6. Catalog structure in the catalog root content item
- 4.7. Choosing a page layout for a shop page
- 4.8. Decision diagram
- 4.9. Page grid for PDPs in augmented category
- 4.10. Example: Contact Us Pagegrid
- 5.1. Multiple levels of caching
- 5.2. Commerce Cache Invalidation
- 5.3. Actuator URLs in overview page
- 5.4. Actuator results for cache.timeout-seconds.ecommerce properties
List of Tables