Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsThe following example is a more complex article query. It uses GraphQL query fragments to factor out repeating parts, and a query parameter $id which can easily be passed in the variables field of the HTTP request:
query ArticleQuery($id: String!) { content { article(id: $id) { ...Reference teaserTitle teaserText pictures { ...ContentInfo alt uriTemplate } navigationPath { ...Reference } } } } fragment ContentInfo on Content_ { name creationDate } fragment Reference on CMLinkable { ...ContentInfo title segment link { id type } }
Query parameters are called variables in Graphql. In GraphiQL, you pass query variables in the QUERY VARIABLES input field below the query input field, as a JSON object, for example,
{ "id": "6494" }
Note that, in this query, the picture fields has been replaced with the pictures field. This way, the result will hold a list of all (valid) CMPicture links within the pictures property instead of just the first one. Moreover, the response contains the navigation path of the article up to the root.