

Workflow Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of Contents

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February 19, 2025

1. Introduction
1.1. Audience
1.2. Structure Of The Manual
1.3. Typographic Conventions
1.4. CoreMedia Services
1.4.1. Registration
1.4.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.4.3. Documentation
1.4.4. CoreMedia Training
1.4.5. CoreMedia Support
1.5. Changelog
2. Overview of CoreMedia Workflow
3. Configuration And Operation
3.1. Starting the Workflow Server
3.2. Uploading Workflows
3.3. Converting Workflows
3.4. Using JMX Management
3.5. Workflow Server Utilities
3.5.1. Start
3.5.2. Download
3.5.3. Enable
3.5.4. Upload
3.5.5. Workflowconverter
3.5.6. Processdefinitions
3.5.7. Processes
4. Customize Workflow Definitions
4.1. Defining Workflows
4.1.1. The BeanParser
4.1.2. Elements of Activity Diagrams
4.1.3. Processes
4.1.4. Tasks
4.1.5. Flow Control
4.1.6. Workflow Variables
4.1.7. Expressions
4.1.8. Actions
4.1.9. Rights
4.1.10. Subworkflows
4.1.11. Timers
4.2. Upload Workflow Definitions
4.3. Example of Workflow Definition
4.4. Reference of Predefined Classes
4.4.1. Predefined Action Classes
4.4.2. Predefined FinalAction Classes
4.4.3. Predefined TimerHandler Classes
5. Implementing Extensions
5.1. Update Workflows
5.2. Variable Values
5.3. Programming Actions
5.3.1. General Rules
5.3.2. Repeated Execution of Actions
5.3.3. Server-Side Actions
5.3.4. Access Workflow Variables from the Action
5.3.5. Example Action
5.4. Programming Expressions
5.4.1. General Rules
5.4.2. Generic Expressions
5.4.3. Boolean Expressions
5.4.4. Example Expression
5.5. Programming Rights Policies
5.5.1. Example Rights Policy
5.6. Programming Performer Policies
5.7. Programming Clients
5.8. Spring in the Workflow Server
5.8.1. Using Spring Beans
5.9. Pitfalls of Implemented Classes
6. Reference
6.1. Configuration Reference
6.1.1. Configuration of Workflow Client Properties
6.1.2. Configuration of Workflow Server Properties
6.1.3. Managed Properties
6.2. XML Element Reference
6.3. Studio Simple Publication Workflow Definition

List of Tables

1.1. Typographic conventions
1.2. Pictographs
1.3. CoreMedia manuals
1.4. Changes
3.1. Options of start
3.2. Options of download
3.3. Options of enable
3.4. Options of upload
3.5. Parameters of the workflowconverter utility
3.6. Options of the processdefinitions tool
3.7. Options of the processes utility
4.1. Workflow elements vs. programming language
4.2. Status of Tasks
4.3. Attributes common to all actions
4.4. Attributes of client-side actions.
4.5. Attributes of the ApproveResource action.
4.6. Attributes of the CheckInDocument action.
4.7. Attribute of the CeckOutDocument action.
4.8. Attributes of the CopyResource action.
4.9. Attributes of the CreateDocument action.
4.10. Attributes of the CreateFolder action.
4.11. Attribute of the DeleteResource action.
4.12. Attribute of the DisapproveResource action.
4.13. Attributes of the MoveResource action.
4.14. Attribute of the OpenDocument action.
4.15. Attributes of the PublishResources action.
4.16. Attributes of the RenameResource action.
4.17. Attribute of the SaveDocument action.
4.18. Attribute of the StoreProperties action.
4.19. Attribute of the UncheckOutDocument action.
4.20. Attribute of the UndeleteResource action.
4.21. Attribute of the DisableTimer action.
4.22. Attribute of the EnableTimer action.
4.23. Attribute of the ExcludePerformer action.
4.24. Attribute of the ExcludeUser action.
4.25. Attributes of the ForceUser action.
4.26. Attributes of the Log action.
4.27. Attribute of the PreferPerformer action.
4.28. Attributes of the RegisterPendingProcess action.
4.29. Attribute of the CancelUserTask action.
4.30. Attribute of the SkipUserTask action.
4.31. Attributes of the ArchiveProcessFinalAction
6.1. Managed Workflow Server properties
6.2. Workflow Server operations properties
6.3. Attributes of Action element
6.4. Attributes of the AggregationVariable element.
6.5. Attribute of the Assign element
6.6. Attributes of the Automated Task element
6.7. Attribute of the Blob element
6.8. Attribute of the Boolean element
6.9. Attributes of the Case element
6.10. Attributes of the Choice element.
6.11. Attributes of the Condition element
6.12. Attribute of the ContentType element
6.13. Attribute of the Date element
6.14. Attributes of the Document element.
6.15. Attribute of the DocumentType element
6.16. Attribute of the Else element
6.17. Attributes of EntryAction element
6.18. Attributes of the Exists element
6.19. Attributes of the ExitAction element
6.20. Attributes of the Expression element
6.21. Attributes of the FinalAction element
6.22. Attributes of the Folder element.
6.23. Attributes of the ForAll element
6.24. Attributes of the Fork element
6.25. Attributes of the ForkSubprocess element
6.26. Attributes of the Get element
6.27. Attributes of the Grant element
6.28. Attributes of the Group
6.29. Attributes of the If element
6.30. Attribute of the Integer element
6.31. Attributes of the IsDocument element
6.32. Attributes of the IsDocumentVersion element
6.33. Attributes of the IsEmpty element
6.34. Attributes of the IsExpired element
6.35. Attributes of the IsFolder element
6.36. Attributes of the Join element
6.37. Attributes of the JoinSubprocess element
6.38. Attributes of the Length element
6.39. Attributes of the Let element
6.40. Attributes of the NotEmpty element
6.41. Attributes of the Performers element
6.42. Attributes of the PostCondition element
6.43. Attributes of the Precondition element
6.44. Attribute of the Predecessor element
6.45. Attributes of the Process element
6.46. Attributes of the Property element
6.47. Attributes of the Read element
6.48. Attributes of the Reads element
6.49. Attributes of the Resource element.
6.50. Attributes of the Revoke element.
6.51. Attributes of the Rights element
6.52. Attribute of the String element
6.53. Attribute of the Successor element
6.54. Attributes of the Switch element.
6.55. Attribute of the Then element
6.56. Attributes of the Timer element
6.57. Attributes of the TimerHandler element
6.58. Attributes of the User element.
6.59. Attributes of the UserTask element
6.60. Attributes of the Validator element
6.61. Attributes of the Variable element
6.62. Attributes of the Writes element

List of Examples

4.1. Example of a BeanParser XML file
4.2. Example listing of a sequence
4.3. Example listing of a choice
4.4. Example listing of an implicit choice
4.5. Example listing of a loop
4.6. Example listing of concurrency
4.7. Example of a Guard
4.8. Example of the ACL for a process
4.9. Example of a self-defined timer which expires after 100 seconds
4.10. General definitions of the workflow
4.11. Automated task "Assign User"
4.12. User Task Compose
4.13. If Task
4.14. User Task "Publish"
4.15. If Task "CheckPublication"
4.16. Example of automated task Finish
4.17. Example of ArchiveProcessFinalAction
4.18. Example of the AssignVariable element
4.19. How to force a user
4.20. How to use a log action
4.21. Example of the ArchiveProcessFinalAction
4.22. Example of TimerHandler usage
5.1. How to configure an action bean
5.2. Example of an action
5.3. Use a generic expression in the workflow definition
5.4. Example of a generic expression
5.5. Example of a Boolean expression
5.6. Including expressions in the workflow definition
5.7. Example Expression
5.8. Integrate own rights policy in the workflow definition
5.9. Defining a performer policy in the workflow definition
5.10. Invoking a performer policy
5.11. Create a workflow client
6.1. Example of the variable usage
6.2. Action with a Guard used in a UserTask
6.3. Example of an aggregation variable
6.4. Example of an And element.
6.5. Example of an AutomatedTask
6.6. Example of an Assignment task
6.7. Example of a Blob variable
6.8. Example of a Boolean variable
6.9. Example of a Choice element
6.10. Example of a Condition element. It is checked whether the document variable is null or not.
6.11. Example of a ContentType variable
6.12. Example of a Date variable
6.13. Example of a Document variable.
6.14. Example of an EntryAction which checks out a document
6.15. Example of an Equal expression
6.16. Example of an Exists expression which checks if one of the documents in the variable Articles has the entry Sports in Topics
6.17. Example of an Exit Action which checks whether the document is null or not
6.18. Example of an Expression element
6.19. Example of a Folder variable
6.20. Example of a ForAll element which checks if all documents are checked in before approving them
6.21. Example of a Fork task
6.22. Example of a ForkSubprocess task
6.23. Example of a Get element
6.24. Example of a Grant element
6.25. Example of a Greater expression
6.26. Example of a GreaterEqual expression
6.27. Example of a Group variable
6.28. Example of a Guard
6.29. Example of an If task
6.30. Example for an Implies expression
6.31. Example of an InitialAssignment element
6.32. Example of an Integer Variable
6.33. Example of an IsDocument expression
6.34. Example of an IsDocumentVersion expression
6.35. Example of an IsExpired expression
6.36. Example of an IsFolder expression
6.37. Example of a Length element
6.38. Example of a Less expression
6.39. Example of a Let element which is needed to check whether the headline of an article is longer than 50 characters or not
6.40. Example of a Not element
6.41. Example of a NotEqual expression
6.42. Example of an Or expression
6.43. Performers element
6.44. Example of a PostCondition element
6.45. Example of a PreCondition
6.46. Example of the Process element
6.47. Example of a Property element
6.48. Example of a Reads element
6.49. Example of a Resource variable
6.50. Example of a Revoke element
6.51. Example of a Rights element
6.52. Example of a String variable
6.53. Example of the Switch element.
6.54. Example of a Timer variable
6.55. Example of a TimerHandler element
6.56. Example of a User variable
6.57. Example of a UserTask task
6.58. Example of a Validator element
6.59. Example of a Variable element
6.60. Example of the Workflow element
6.61. Example of a Writes element
6.62. Listing of the direct publication workflow
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