Client-Side Personalization API

Last updated 2 months ago

How to integrate personalization solutions on client-side


CoreMedia client-side personalization provides the base functionality for integrating third-party web personalization, optimization, and testing providers with CoreMedia.

You can use Studio to define and use, for example, experiences.

experience definition form

Defining Experience in Studio

Use Cases

Based on the capability of the provider the following use cases are supported:

  • Optimization and Testing: Run experiences with split traffic allocation (A/B/n tests) and targeting
  • Personalization: Run experiences with machine learning and targeting
  • Segmentation: Use targeting capabilities of the provider to serve custom content experiences to different user segments

For all these use cases, content editors in CoreMedia Studio can easily create and manage content and connect them to the provider for optimized and personalized delivery.


In order to use Client-Side Personalization you need to install the p13n-core and the p13n-adapter-generic. See the links below.


  • Learn how to use the Personalization API and create your own adapters.
  • As an example, study the Monetate Adapter to integrate Monetate for personalization, segmentation and optimization of content for specific user groups.
  • As an example, study the Generic Personalization Adapter which comes with default implementations for Dynamic Yield and Evergage.
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