Cloud Contact Center Requirements

Last updated 25 days ago

1. Purpose

The current document describes the minimal infrastructure and resources needed to deploy a new voice application zone in a new datacenter to support CoreMedia Cloud Contact Center.

These deployments are of two kinds depending on the type of usage:

  • Proof Of Concept (POC)
  • Production Deployment

2. Deployment POC

1. Network Topology Architecture:

2. Connectivity requirements

The voice services from CoreMedia require both Internet and VoIP access connections to be able to properly work. With that in mind there are requirements that must be met besides the connectivity. Since the present deployment is for a POC, the solution doesn*t need to be highly available. The requirements are below:

  • Internet:
    • Two internet circuits with 30 Mbps or higher with failover
    • High-Available IPSec VPN Site-to-site capability between new infrastructure and CoreMedia VPN aggregator
    • Ability to upgrade
  • Voice:
    • Two SIP trunk circuits
    • SIP Trunk channels: The number of channels may vary depending on the size of the project
    • National and international calls
    • Codec: G.711a (alaw / ulaw)
    • Both SIP trunk should be highly available and redundant
    • The inbound calls should be delivered in a round-robin pattern
    • Ability to upgrade

3. Computing requirements

The voice services can be deployed using virtual machines or physical servers. On both scenarios, the computing requirements need to be taken into account are:

Physical ServersVirtual Machine
Number of Instances11
HDD(at least)100G100G
Network Interfaces2 (with failover recommended)1
Power Supply2 (redundant)N/A
Remote Console (iLO, KVM)YESYES
Operating SystemCentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7CentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7

Since the present deployment is for a POC, the solution doesn*t need to be highly available.

2. Production Deployment

1. Network Topology Architecture

2. Connectivity requirements

The voice services from CoreMedia require both Internet and VoIP access connections to be able to properly work. With that in mind there are requirements that must be met besides the connectivity. Since the present deployment is for production, the solution needs to be highly available and redundant. The requirements are below:

  • Internet:
    • Two internet circuits with 30 Mbps or higher with failover
    • High-Available IPSec VPN Site-to-site capability between new infrastructure and CoreMedia VPN aggregator
    • Ability to upgrade
  • Voice:
    • Two SIP trunk circuits
    • SIP Trunk channels: The number of channels may vary depending on the size of the project
    • National and international calls
    • Codec: G.711a (alaw / ulaw)
    • Both SIP trunk should be highly available and redundant
    • The inbound calls should be delivered in a round-robin pattern
    • Ability to upgrade

3. Computing requirements

The voice services can be deployed using virtual machines or physical servers. On both scenarios, the computing requirements need to be taken into account are:

Voice Servers

Physical ServersVirtual Machine
Number of Instances22
HDD(at least)1TB RAID11TB
Network Interfaces2 (with failover recommended)1
Power Supply2 (redundant)N/A
Remote Console (iLO, KVM)YESYES
Operating SystemCentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7CentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7

Application Servers

Physical ServersVirtual Machine
Number of Instances22
HDD(at least)300GB RAID1300GB
Network Interfaces2 (with failover recommended)1
Power Supply2 (redundant)N/A
Remote Console (iLO, KVM)
Operating SystemCentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7CentOS 7, Debian 10, RHEL 7

Since the present deployment is for a POC, the solution doesn't need to be highly available.

3. New Site Checklist

Type of Deployment

Proof of Concept

Connectivity Requirements - Internet

If No, what other type of VPN is available
Ability to upgrade

Connectivity Requirements - SIP Trunk

Number of Channels
National and International calls
Ability to upgrade

Computing requirements

Number of Instances
HDD (at least)
Network interfaces
Power supply
Remote console (iLO, KVM)
Operating system
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