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Deployment Manual / Version 2010

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2.9 Deployment Archive Migration Relevant Changes

Major Changes

  • Spring-Boot application JAR files instead of webapp WAR files as main artifacts.

  • blueprint-spring-boot cookbook instead of blueprint-tomcat cookbook.

  • Tomcat version is now defined at build time of the artifacts instead of deployment time. The Tomcat is now embedded in the Spring-Boot application jar.

  • SystemD init system instead of SystemV

  • Studio has been split up into a studio-server app and a studio-client part consisting only of static resources served by an Apache HTTPd web server. As a result, all application properties previously defined below node['blueprint']['webapps']['studio'][''] must now be defined below node['blueprint']['apps']['studio-server'][''].

  • To deploy the Studio Client part, two recipes are required in your run list.

    • blueprint-spring-boot::studio-client to download and extract the static resources.

    • blueprint-proxy::studio to configure the Apache configuration.

Minor Changes

  • The blueprint-spring-boot cookbook does not provide a Chef definition (macro) for CoreMedia services as did the blueprint-tomcat cookbook. The blueprint-spring-boot cookbook instead provides a spring_boot_application resource, that abstracts from the process of downloading the Maven artifact, rendering the configuration properties file and the installation of the SystemD service. To prevent unnecessary restarts at first installation, all notifications are directed to a ruby_block resource, which aggregates all triggered actions into either a start or restart action at the corresponding service resource.

    template 'my_service_custom_conf' do
      # renders additional application config. If changed trigger restart check
      notifies :create, 'ruby_block[restart_my_service]', :immediately
    spring_boot_application 'my_application' do
      # install and configure application. If changed trigger restart check
      notifies :create, 'ruby_block[restart_my_service]', :immediately
    service 'my_service' do
      # manage service state
      action [:enable, :start]
    ruby_block 'restart_my_service' do
      # restart check
      block do
        # some code removing unnecessary restart action if start already present
      action :nothing

Configuration Changes

With the old deployment archive each applications configuration was split into three parts:

  • The application configuration:

    • Maven coordinates of the artifact

    • Application properties

  • The global installation configuration:

    • JVM options

    • JMX options

    • logging configuration

  • The service specific installation configuration which allows overriding the global configuration but also adds specific configuration options like:

    • heap settings

    • enabling / disabling the service for autostart

With the new deployment archive this logic is being kept, except for the hashes being used:

  • Old deployment archive

    • application configuration below node['blueprint']['webapps’]

    • global installation configuration below node['blueprint']['tomcat']

    • service specific installation configuration below node['blueprint']['tomcat']

  • New deployment archive

    • application configuration below node['blueprint']['apps']['<SERVICE KEY>']

    • global installation configuration below node['blueprint']['spring-boot']

    • service specific installation configuration below node['blueprint']['spring-boot']['<SERVICE KEY>']

For the application configuration below node['blueprint']['webapps']['<SERVICE_KEY'>'][''] an automated migration is being done in the recipes by copying all previous attributes to the new attribute path.

Some of the old installation configurations have been removed or have a new equivalent. This includes:

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['shutdown_force'] - not supported anymore

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['shutdown_wait'] - not supported anymore

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['clean_log_dir_on_start'] - not supported anymore

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['keep_old_instances'] - not supported anymore

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['context_config'] - not supported anymore, this should be done programatically using Spring Boot

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['logback_config'] - not supported anymore, logback configuration can be passed in using or boot_opts

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['<SERVICE_KEY>']['perm'] - Since Java 8 there is no perm space configurable anymore

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['common_libs'] - not supported anymore, package extra libs within your Spring Boot app.

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['catalina_opts'] - use one of

    • node['blueprint']['spring-boot']['java_opts']

    • node['blueprint']['spring-boot']['<SERVICE KEY>']['java_opts']

  • node['blueprint']['tomcat']['<SERVICE_KEY>']['port_prefix'] - not supported anymore. Port prefixes are no longer configurable in the deployment. Ports are being specified using the Spring Boot properties within the application artifacts. However, you can set boot opts or application properties to change the ports: 

    • node['blueprint']['spring-boot']['studio-server']['boot_opts']['server.port']

    • node['blueprint']['apps']['studio-server']['']['server.port']

    Keep in mind that if you do so, you need manually find references to the old ports and change them, this may include hard coded references in recipes as well as properties of services using an endpoint of the modified service.

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