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Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2104

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10. Site Filter

Many relational database systems offer a "view" feature. A view provides an easy way to "see" only data, which is relevant for a certain use case. The Headless Server adopts this concept, to provide a filter to a specific site. Therefore, a site filter restricts the access of a GraphQL query to content objects of only one site.

In a scenario where CoreMedia is used to host a multitude of sites, like a site for each brand, prefiltered content might make it easier for frontend developers to develop a frontend client for one specific brand. Furthermore, potential copyright problems for media content like pictures, for example, or an unintentional mixup of contents belonging to different sites, are prevented effectively.

A site filter is invoked simply by putting the homepage segment in front of the standard GraphQL endpoint or any of the REST endpoints mapped to persisted GraphQL queries.

Given a site with a homepage segment of 'corporate-de-de', a site filter would result in these additional endpoints:

    #  generic access pattern to GraphQL with a site filter prefix
    #  http://[hostname]/[homepage-segment]/graphql

    #  generic access pattern to a REST endpoint with a site filter prefix
    #  http://[hostname]/[homepage-segment]/caas/v1/[restendpoint]
    #  given, there is a defined REST endpoint to /article,
    #  incl a correspondingly named persisted query


A site filter restricts the access to contents which belong to one site. This is accomplished without the use of users, groups or access rights. Using the standard endpoints (/graphql) without a site filter, it is still possible to access any data of any site! If you want to prevent the full access, please consider a corresponding access rule in your gateway web server.

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