Headless Server Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsAs a more complex example, the following query returns a complete page (CMChannel), including data for all page grid placements, with image and video links (if present). Also included in the response: image map data.
query PageQuery($id: String!) { content { page(id: $id) { __typename ...Reference title teaserTitle teaserText creationDate grid { cssClassName rows { placements { name viewtype items { ...Teasable ...ImageMap ... on CMCollection { viewtype items { ...Teasable } } } } } } } } } fragment ContentInfo on Content_ { name creationDate } fragment Reference on CMLinkable { ...ContentInfo title segment link { id type } } fragment ImageMap on CMImageMap { displayTitle displayShortText displayPicture transformedHotZones { crops { name coords { x y } } points { x y } alt shape target displayAsInlineOverlay inlineOverlayTheme linkedContent { ...Reference ...QuickInfo } } } fragment Teasable on CMTeasable { ...Reference teaserTitle teaserText teaserTarget { ...Reference } teaserTargets { target { ...Reference } callToActionEnabled callToActionText } teaserOverlaySettings { style enabled positionX positionY width } picture { ...Picture } video { ...Video } } fragment QuickInfo on CMTeasable { ...Reference teaserTitle teaserText picture { ...Picture } } fragment Picture on CMPicture { ...ContentInfo title alt link { id type } uriTemplate base64Images { cropName base64 } } fragment Video on CMVideo { ...ContentInfo title alt link { id type } data { uri } dataUrl }
Page queries accept the numeric content ID of a CMChannel document as well as a site ID. In the latter case, the home page of the site will be returned, for example, for the Calista demo site (query variables: { "id": "ced8921aa7b7f9b736b90e19afc2dd2a"}).
Alternatively, a page may be queried by its navigation path, using the 'pageByPath' query.
{ content { pageByPath(path: "corporate/for-professionals") { id title } } }
The path argument in the (abbreviated) example above consists of the segment path starting with the homepage segment 'corporate', the path separator '/' and the subpage segment 'for-professionals'. If the query is invoked using a site filter endpoint, like '/corporate/graphql', the homepage-segment of the path may be omitted, for example, simply 'for-professionals'.
Especially when rendering pages, showing some kind of navigation components is usually an important task. Some of these components may be the current navigation level, the homepage and the main navigation or the next navigation level of the currently displayed page.
The graphql type CMNavigation offers everything necessary to render any type of navigation component.
{ content { pageByPath(path: "corporate/for-consumers/aurora-b2c") { id name segment mainNavigation: root { children { id name segment } } currentNavigationLevel: parent { children { id name segment } } subNavigationLevel: children { id name segment } } } }