

Release Notes / Version 11.2304
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Reduced Overhead for Background Task CleanInTranslation

You may experience the Workflow Server's Background Task CleanInTranslation to cause considerable load on your CPU. We have addressed this issue with several adaptions. Some of them might be applied manually to existing systems already (for details see the end of this section). In addition to the updates below, CleanInTranslation got updated internally, providing an additional performance gain.

DB Index for Resources(nMergeVersions\_)

On update, a new index will be created for the Content Management Server:

create index nmergeversionsIndex on Resources (nMergeVersions_);

There's no problem for the update, if you have created the exact same index manually before.

Configure Scheduling

BlueprintWorkflowServerAutoConfiguration got extended by properties to control the scheduling behavior of CleanInTranslation . The following shows an example configuration using the defaults:


Thus, the initial delay is 10 seconds (same as before), and the task is repeated every 15 minutes (before: every 5 seconds).

Note, that while you may provide the delays without units (which defaults to milliseconds then), it is recommended to clearly state the desired unit. For details on configuring duration properties, see Converting Durations in Spring Boot Reference Guide.

For more details, see Blueprint Developer Manual in the subsection Configuration and Customization of the section Translation Workflow .

At workflow server startup, you will see a message similar to this to inform you about scheduling:

Scheduling CleanInTranslation: startTime: 2021-12-01T08:00:00Z, initialDelay: PT10S, fixedDelay: PT15M

Optimize Scheduling

Optimizing scheduling means to deal with the trade-off of having more correct reporting of in-translation state for abnormally ended workflows (aborted or escalated) versus lowering load on the workflow-server.

If you enable INFO logging for com.coremedia.translate.workflow.CleanInTranslation , the following status messages may provide some guidance for tuning scheduling:

CleanInTranslation - Merge-Version Cleanup: Done within 2.655 s, cleaned up merge versions: 1.

Note, that cleaning up 0 (zero) merge versions should be the normal state on a system, where all translation workflows end normally.

Workaround for Previous Versions

  • Add the index to the content management server's database, as stated above.

  • Update the @Scheduled parameters especially for fixedDelay in Blueprint class BlueprintWorkflowServerAutoConfiguration


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