

Elastic Social Manual / Version 2304

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2.1 Architectural Overview

Elastic Social combines four major components:

  • Elastic Core is the foundation of Elastic Social and provides several services for building horizontally scalable applications

    • ModelService, for schema-free persistence

    • StagingService, staging of changes on models

    • CounterService, AverageCounterService, atomic counters

    • HistogramCounterService, counters with a histogram

    • BlobService, storage of large binary objects

    • TaskQueueService, asynchronous parallel execution of background tasks

    • SearchService, full-text search

    • UserService, for users

    • TemplateService, for template rendering

    • TenantService, for tenant management

  • Elastic Social services for social use cases:

    • CommunityUserService, for community users

    • CommentService, for commenting

    • ReviewService, for reviews

    • BlacklistService, for blacklists

    • RatingService, for rating

    • LikeService, for likes

    • RegistrationService, for user registration

    • MailService, for sending mails

    • MailTemplateService, for creating mails from localized templates

  • A Plugin for CoreMedia Studio

    The plugin allows the premoderation and post-moderation of users, reviews and comments which can include pictures, processing complaints, managing users and searching for comments and using them for curated content.

  • A reference implementation based on the development workspace that is showing the integration of social software use cases into CoreMedia Blueprint.

    The reference implementation shows registration, login, password loss, user self service, commenting, citing, reviews, premoderation and post-moderation of comments, reviews and users, ignoring users, handling of anonymous users, automatic rejection of comments, automatic blocking of users, display of top reviewed, most reviewed and most commented content.

Elastic Social and Elastic Core are supplied as a set of Java libraries that can easily be integrated into any Java application, see Section 4.7, “Integration”.

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